React Animations

In this tutorial, you will learn how to animate in React using the React CSS Transitions group. React-transition-group is a lower-level type of animation library, it makes it easier to do any sort of animation on any React component.


This is a React plugin for creating basic CSS transitions and animations. Install via the command line:

PS C:\Users\HP\react\react-project> npm install react-addons-css-transition-group

Create a stylesheets file in the src folder and link it to the index.html file via the <head> tag:

<link rel = "stylesheets" type="text/css" href="./style.css">

We are all set.

Enter and leave animations

When a component performs a transition it goes through 4 stages:

  1. Entering
  2. Entered
  3. Exiting
  4. Exited

These transition stages are toggled via an attribute ‘in’.When it's true, the transition begins and the component enters the entering stage of the cycle. Now let’s create a fad-in and fade-out animation for a component.


In the example below, once the in prop evaluates to true, the animation starts. All the code should be more like a boilerplate, you don’t need to memorize them as long as you know what does what:

import React from 'react'
import { Transition } from 'react-transition-group'

const duration = 300

const defaultStyles = {
   transition: `opacity ${duration}ms ease-in`,
   opacity: 0

const transitionStyles = {
   entering: {opacity: 0.5},
   entered: {opacity: 1},
   exiting: {opacity: 0.5},
   exited: {opacity: 1},

const Fade = ({in: inProp}) => (
   <Transition in= {inProp} timeout={duration}>
      {state => (
         <div style={{...defaultStyles, ...transitionStyles[state]}}>My Animation</div>
export default Fade

The styling for each transition stage is defined and then passed into the HOC <Transition>,
