bool() Function in Python

Python bool() Function

The bool() function in Python is a built-in function that allows you to convert a value into its corresponding Boolean representation. It takes an argument and returns True or False based on the truthiness of the input value.

The syntax for the bool() function is as follows:


Input Value: The value parameter can be of any data type, such as a number, string, list, tuple, dictionary, or even an object.

Return Value: The bool() function returns False for certain specific values, such as False, None, 0, empty containers (e.g., empty strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries), and objects that implement a custom __bool__() or __len__() method that returns zero or False. For all other values, it returns True.


print(bool(0))      # False
print(bool(42))     # True
print(bool(""))     # False
print(bool("Hello")) # True
print(bool([]))     # False
print(bool([1, 2]))  # True

In the examples above, bool(0) returns False because 0 is considered as a false value, whereas bool(42) returns True because any non-zero number is considered true. Similarly, bool("") returns False because an empty string is false, but bool("Hello") returns True because a non-empty string is considered true. bool([]) returns False because an empty list is considered false, whereas bool([1, 2]) returns True because a non-empty list is true.

The bool() function is often used in conditional statements or logical operations to determine the truth value of a given expression or variable.