Dictionary items() Method in Python

Python Dictionary items() Method

The items() method in Python dictionaries is used to return a view object that displays a list of tuples containing the key-value pairs of the dictionary. This method allows you to access both the keys and their corresponding values simultaneously in a convenient way. The view object returned by the items() method is dynamic, meaning it reflects changes made to the dictionary.

Syntax of the items() method:

view_object = dictionary.items()

Now, let's see some examples of how to use the items() method:

Example 1: Using items() to iterate through key-value pairs

# Sample dictionary
student_scores = {'Alice': 85, 'Bob': 92, 'Charlie': 78, 'David': 90}

# Get the view object using the items() method
items_view = student_scores.items()

# Iterate through the key-value pairs and print them
for name, score in items_view:
    print(f"{name}: {score}")


Alice: 85
Bob: 92
Charlie: 78
David: 90

In this example, the items() method returns a view object containing tuples of key-value pairs from the student_scores dictionary. We then use a for loop to iterate through these tuples and print each name and corresponding score.

Example 2: Converting the view object to a list of tuples

# Sample dictionary
fruit_colors = {'apple': 'red', 'banana': 'yellow', 'orange': 'orange'}

# Get the view object using the items() method
items_view = fruit_colors.items()

# Convert the view object to a list of tuples
items_list = list(items_view)

# Print the list


[('apple', 'red'), ('banana', 'yellow'), ('orange', 'orange')]

In this example, the items() method returns a view object, which we then convert to a list of tuples using the list() function. The resulting list contains tuples representing the key-value pairs of the fruit_colors dictionary.

Example 3: Dynamically reflecting changes made to the dictionary

# Sample dictionary
scores = {'Alice': 85, 'Bob': 92, 'Charlie': 78}

# Get the view object using the items() method
items_view = scores.items()

# Print the original view object
print("Original:", items_view)

# Add a new entry to the dictionary
scores['David'] = 90

# Print the updated view object (reflecting the change)
print("Updated:", items_view)


Original: dict_items([('Alice', 85), ('Bob', 92), ('Charlie', 78)])
Updated: dict_items([('Alice', 85), ('Bob', 92), ('Charlie', 78), ('David', 90)])

In this example, we obtain the view object from the scores dictionary using the items() method. After that, we add a new key-value pair to the dictionary. When we print the view object again, we can see that it reflects the change made to the dictionary.

The items() method is useful when you need to work with both keys and values simultaneously or when you want to convert the key-value pairs into other data structures like lists, tuples, or sets.