String casefold() Method in Python

String casefold() Method

In Python, the casefold() method is a string method used for case-insensitive string comparison. It's similar to the lower() method but goes a step further in handling special cases for certain languages and special characters.

The casefold() method converts all the characters in a string to their lowercase form, but it also handles special characters, diacritic marks, and other language-specific characters in a way that is suitable for case-insensitive comparisons.Here's the basic syntax of the casefold() method:


Let's see an example to better understand how it works:

Here's an example of how to use the casefold() method in Python:

# Example string with mixed cases and special characters
original_string = "Hello, WÖRLD!"

# Using the casefold() method to convert the string to lowercase
casefolded_string = original_string.casefold()

print("Original String:", original_string)
print("Casefolded String:", casefolded_string)


Original String: Hello, WÖRLD!
Casefolded String: hello, wörld!

As you can see, the casefold() method converted all characters to lowercase and replaced the special character 'Ö' with its lowercase equivalent 'ö'. This transformation allows for consistent and accurate case-insensitive comparisons, especially when dealing with non-ASCII characters and different language representations.