String center() Method in Python

String center() Method

The center() method in Python is used to center-align a string within a specified width. It pads the string with a specified character (default is space) on both sides to achieve the desired width.

Here's the syntax of the center() method:, fillchar)


  • width: The total width of the centered string, including the original string and any padding characters.
  • fillchar (optional): The character used for padding. It is optional, and if not provided, the method will use a space character as the default.


# Example string
original_string = "Hello, world!"

# Using the center() method to center the string within a width of 20 characters
centered_string =

print("Original String:", original_string)
print("Centered String:", centered_string)


Original String: Hello, world!
Centered String:   Hello, world!   

In this example, the original string "Hello, world!" is centered within a width of 20 characters. The method added spaces on both sides to make the total width 20 characters, resulting in a centered string. If you want to use a different padding character, you can pass it as the second argument to the center() method. For instance, using centered_string =, '*') would center the string with asterisks (*) as padding characters.