String encode() Method in Python

String encode() Method

The encode() method in Python is used to encode a string into a specified encoding format. It returns a bytes object representing the encoded version of the original string.Here's the syntax of the encode() method:

string.encode(encoding, errors)


  • encoding: The character encoding format to be used for the encoding. It is a required parameter, and you need to specify the encoding you want to use, such as 'utf-8', 'ascii', 'latin-1', etc.
  • errors (optional): This parameter specifies how to handle characters that cannot be encoded with the given encoding. It is an optional parameter, and if not provided, it defaults to 'strict', which raises a UnicodeEncodeError if there are any unencodable characters. Other possible values for errors include 'ignore', 'replace', 'xmlcharrefreplace', and more.


# Example string with non-ASCII characters
original_string = "Héllo, Wörld!"

# Encoding the string using 'utf-8' encoding
encoded_string = original_string.encode('utf-8')

print("Original String:", original_string)
print("Encoded String:", encoded_string)


Original String: Héllo, Wörld!
Encoded String: b'H\xc3\xa9llo, W\xc3\xb6rld!'

In this example, we used the encode() method to encode the original string using the 'utf-8' encoding. The method returned a bytes object b'H\xc3\xa9llo, W\xc3\xb6rld!', where each non-ASCII character is represented by its respective byte sequence in UTF-8 encoding.

The encode() method is particularly useful when you need to work with byte-oriented data, such as writing data to files or transmitting data over networks, where encoding the strings into bytes is necessary. Conversely, if you want to decode a bytes object back to a string, you would use the decode() method, specifying the appropriate encoding used during encoding.