String isdigit() Method in Python

Python String isdigit() Method

The isdigit() method in Python is used to check whether a string contains only digits (numeric characters). It returns True if all the characters in the string are digits (0-9), and there is at least one character in the string. Otherwise, it returns False.Here's the syntax of the isdigit() method:



# Examples of isdigit() method
string1 = "12345"
string2 = "123.45"
string3 = "Hello"

result1 = string1.isdigit()
result2 = string2.isdigit()
result3 = string3.isdigit()

print("String 1:", string1)
print("String 2:", string2)
print("String 3:", string3)

print("isdigit() result for String 1:", result1)
print("isdigit() result for String 2:", result2)
print("isdigit() result for String 3:", result3)


String 1: 12345
String 2: 123.45
String 3: Hello
isdigit() result for String 1: True
isdigit() result for String 2: False
isdigit() result for String 3: False

In this example, string1 contains only digits ("12345"), so isdigit() returns True. string2 contains a decimal point, so it is not composed entirely of digits, and thus isdigit() returns False. string3 contains letters ("Hello"), so it is also not composed of digits, and isdigit() returns False.

The isdigit() method is useful when you want to ensure that a string contains only numeric characters, such as when processing user input that should be in a numerical format or checking if a string can be converted to a numeric type.