String swapcase() Method in Python

Python String swapcase() Method

In Python, the swapcase() method is a built-in string method that allows you to convert the case of characters in a string. It swaps uppercase characters to lowercase and lowercase characters to uppercase.

Here's the syntax of the swapcase() method:



  • This method doesn't take any parameters; it operates on the string it is called upon.

Return Value:

  • The swapcase() method returns a new string with the case-swapped characters, leaving the original string unchanged.

Here are some examples to illustrate how the swapcase() method works:

# Example 1
text = "Hello, World!"
swapped_text = text.swapcase()
print(swapped_text)  # Output: hELLO, wORLD!

# Example 2
sentence = "ThiS Is a MixEd cAsE StrIng."
new_sentence = sentence.swapcase()
print(new_sentence)  # Output: tHIs iS A mIxEd CaSe sTRiNG.

In the above examples, the swapcase() method converts uppercase characters to lowercase and lowercase characters to uppercase, effectively swapping their cases in the resulting string.