Understanding the 'private' Keyword in C#

C# private Keyword

The private keyword is an access modifier used to restrict the visibility of a class member (field, property, method, etc.) to within the defining class itself. This means that a private member can only be accessed and modified by other members of the same class and is not accessible from outside the class or any derived classes.

Usage of the private keyword:

public class MyClass
    private int privateField; // Private field

    private void PrivateMethod() // Private method
        // Method implementation

    // Other members and methods of the class go here.

In this example, the privateField and PrivateMethod are declared as private members of the MyClass. These members can only be accessed and used within the MyClass itself and are not visible or accessible from outside the class.

Using the private access modifier is essential for encapsulation and data hiding in object-oriented programming. It helps protect the internal state and implementation details of a class from external interference, ensuring proper data integrity and maintaining the class's intended behavior. Private members provide a level of control over the class's internal workings and help create well-defined interfaces for other parts of the program to interact with the class.