Sai A Sai A
Updated date Aug 15, 2023
In this blog, we will learn how to convert seconds into days, weeks, and months using various methods in MySQL.


Handling time-sensitive data is a common task in database management. Often, we encounter situations where we need to convert a given length of time in seconds to more human-readable units such as days, weeks, and months. This blog explores the various ways to achieve this transformation using MySQL.

Method 1: Using Division and Modulus Operations

The simplest approach to convert seconds to days, weeks, and months is by utilizing basic arithmetic operations. We can divide the total seconds by the respective number of seconds in a day, week, and month and then extract the remainder using the modulus operator. This way, we can accurately calculate the desired time units.

    input_seconds DIV 86400 AS days,
    (input_seconds DIV 86400) DIV 7 AS weeks,
    (input_seconds DIV 86400) DIV 30 AS months


input_seconds days weeks months
259200 3 0 0

In the above query, we're converting input_seconds to days, then further dividing by 7 to get weeks, and dividing by 30 to approximate months. However, this method has limitations due to varying days in different months and leap years, leading to approximations.

Method 2: Using DATE_ADD and DATE_DIFF Functions

MySQL provides powerful date and time functions that can aid in accurate time conversions. By leveraging the DATE_ADD and DATE_DIFF functions, we can increment a base date by the calculated days, weeks, and months and then determine the differences between the two dates.

    DATE_ADD('1970-01-01', INTERVAL input_seconds SECOND) AS converted_date,
    DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD('1970-01-01', INTERVAL input_seconds SECOND), '1970-01-01') AS days,
    DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD('1970-01-01', INTERVAL input_seconds SECOND), '1970-01-01') DIV 7 AS weeks,
    DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD('1970-01-01', INTERVAL input_seconds SECOND), '1970-01-01') DIV 30 AS months


input_seconds converted_date days weeks months
259200 1970-01-04 3 0 0

Here, we're adding the input_seconds to a base date ('1970-01-01') to create a converted date. Then, we calculate the differences between the converted date and the base date to obtain the days, weeks, and months.

Method 3: Using TIMESTAMP and DATE_FORMAT Functions

The TIMESTAMP data type in MySQL stores both date and time, making it suitable for this conversion. By utilizing the DATE_FORMAT function, we can extract the desired time units from the converted timestamp.

    TIMESTAMP('1970-01-01', SEC_TO_TIME(input_seconds)) AS converted_timestamp,
    TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, '1970-01-01', TIMESTAMP('1970-01-01', SEC_TO_TIME(input_seconds))) AS days,
    TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, '1970-01-01', TIMESTAMP('1970-01-01', SEC_TO_TIME(input_seconds))) DIV 7 AS weeks,
    TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, '1970-01-01', TIMESTAMP('1970-01-01', SEC_TO_TIME(input_seconds))) AS months


input_seconds converted_timestamp days weeks months
259200 1970-01-04 00:00:00 3 0 0

In this approach, we use the SEC_TO_TIME function to convert seconds into a time value, and then we create a timestamp using the TIMESTAMP function. Subsequently, we calculate the differences in days, weeks, and months between the converted timestamp and the base date.

Method 4: Using Custom Functions

For more complex scenarios, we can create custom functions that encapsulate the conversion logic. This can enhance code reusability and readability.


CREATE FUNCTION ConvertSecondsToUnits(seconds INT, unit VARCHAR(10))
    IF unit = 'days' THEN
        RETURN seconds DIV 86400;
    ELSEIF unit = 'weeks' THEN
        RETURN (seconds DIV 86400) DIV 7;
    ELSEIF unit = 'months' THEN
        RETURN (seconds DIV 86400) DIV 30;
        RETURN 0;
    END IF;
END //

    ConvertSecondsToUnits(input_seconds, 'days') AS days,
    ConvertSecondsToUnits(input_seconds, 'weeks') AS weeks,
    ConvertSecondsToUnits(input_seconds, 'months') AS months


input_seconds days weeks months
259200 3 0 0

In this method, we create a custom function ConvertSecondsToUnits that takes the number of seconds and the desired unit ('days', 'weeks', or 'months') as parameters. The function uses conditional statements to perform the appropriate conversion.



In this blog, we explored several strategies to convert seconds to days, weeks, and months the use of different strategies. We started out with primary mathematics operations, ventured into leveraging MySQL's date and time features, and even created a custom characteristic for extra flexibility.

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