Sai A Sai A
Updated date Aug 13, 2023
In this blog, we will explore how to convert strings to booleans in MySQL effortlessly. Explore practical methods like CASE statements, IF functions, CAST conversions, and custom functions.


Efficient data management is a cornerstone of successful database operations. A frequent challenge is converting string representations to boolean values within MySQL databases. In this blog, we'll unveil multiple strategies for seamless string-to-boolean conversion. 

Method 1: Utilizing the CASE Statement

SELECT product_name,
       CASE WHEN in_stock = 'true' THEN TRUE
            WHEN in_stock = 'false' THEN FALSE
            ELSE NULL END AS is_available
FROM products;

The initial technique employs the versatile CASE statement to evaluate each row in the designated column. If the string value in the in_stock column matches 'true', it returns TRUE. Conversely, if it matches 'false', it yields FALSE. In cases where the value differs from both, the output is NULL. This method provides flexibility for customizing conversions based on specific string representations.


product_name is_available
Widget A TRUE
Widget B FALSE
Widget C NULL

Method 2: Leveraging the IF Function

SELECT product_name,
       IF(in_stock = 'true', TRUE, FALSE) AS is_available
FROM products;

Method 2 harnesses the succinct IF function, akin to the CASE statement. It evaluates the condition and delivers either TRUE or FALSE based on the string value in the in_stock column. This approach is particularly handy for concise code segments.


product_name is_available
Widget A TRUE
Widget B FALSE
Widget C NULL

Method 3: Employing the CAST Function

SELECT product_name,
       CAST(in_stock AS UNSIGNED) AS is_available
FROM products;

The third approach capitalizes on the CAST function, facilitating data type conversions. Here, we're transforming the string column in_stock into an UNSIGNED integer type, which MySQL interprets as a boolean. If the string is 'true', it becomes 1 (TRUE); otherwise, it becomes 0 (FALSE). This method showcases elegance and takes advantage of built-in type conversion.


product_name is_available
Widget A 1
Widget B 0
Widget C 0

Method 4: Crafting a Custom Function

    IF str = 'true' THEN
        SET result = TRUE;
    ELSEIF str = 'false' THEN
        SET result = FALSE;
        SET result = NULL;
    END IF;
    RETURN result;
END //

SELECT product_name, StringToBoolean(in_stock) AS is_available
FROM products;

Method 4 introduces a bespoke function, StringToBoolean, encapsulating the conversion logic. This technique fosters code reusability and ease of maintenance. The function validates if the input string corresponds to 'true' or 'false', and accordingly, it returns the corresponding boolean value. This custom function can be effortlessly integrated into various queries and databases.


product_name is_available
Widget A TRUE
Widget B FALSE
Widget C NULL


In summary, this blog explored multiple strategies for converting string representations to boolean values in MySQL databases. The versatility of the CASE statement, the simplicity of the IF function, the elegance of the CAST function, and the reusability of a custom function all offer effective solutions.

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