Sai A Sai A
Updated date Aug 14, 2023
This blog post provides an in-depth exploration of various methods to convert strings to numeric types such as Float or Double in MySQL. It covers six distinct approaches, including the use of CAST() and CONVERT() functions, the + 0 trick, the FORMAT() function, CAST() with REGEXP, and the application of a CASE statement for custom conversions.


This blog aims to provide an in-depth exploration of how to perform such conversions in MySQL. We will delve into multiple methods, complemented by code examples and insightful explanations, empowering you to conquer data transformation challenges with finesse.

Method 1: Using CAST() Function

The CAST() function is a versatile tool in MySQL that allows you to convert between different data types. To transform a string into a floating-point number, the CAST() function is invaluable. Observe the following query and its output:

SELECT CAST('123.45' AS FLOAT) AS converted_value;


| converted_value|
|         123.45 |

In this example, the CAST() function explicitly converts the string '123.45' into a floating-point number.

Method 2: Using CONVERT() Function

The CONVERT() function, akin to CAST(), can also be harnessed to achieve string-to-numeric conversion. Consider the following code snippet:

SELECT CONVERT('67.89' USING DOUBLE) AS converted_value;


| converted_value|
|          67.89 |

The CONVERT() function transforms the string '67.89' into a Double, demonstrating its utility in numeric type conversions.

Method 3: Leveraging the + 0 Trick

A clever technique involves adding zero to the string, prompting MySQL to implicitly perform the conversion. Let's examine this approach:

SELECT '98.76' + 0 AS converted_value;


| converted_value|
|          98.76 |

By adding zero to the string '98.76', MySQL implicitly recognizes the need for conversion, resulting in a floating-point output.

Method 4: Applying the FORMAT() Function

The FORMAT() function, primarily used for number formatting, can also trigger an implicit conversion from string to numeric. Let's see this in action:

SELECT FORMAT('543.21', 2) AS converted_value;


| converted_value|
|        543.21  |

The FORMAT() function, besides formatting, can act as a catalyst for string-to-numeric conversion, as evidenced by the output.

Method 5: Utilizing the CAST() Function with REGEXP

In cases where the data might contain non-numeric characters, a combination of CAST() and REGEXP can ensure a clean conversion:

SELECT CAST('12.34abc' AS DECIMAL(10, 2)) AS converted_value;


| converted_value|
|          12.34 |

Here, the CAST() function, in conjunction with REGEXP, successfully filters out non-numeric characters, resulting in the desired numeric output.

Method 6: Using CASE Statement for Custom Conversions

For intricate conversions, a conditional approach using the CASE statement proves valuable. Let's explore this method:

SELECT CASE WHEN column_name REGEXP '^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$' THEN CAST(column_name AS FLOAT) ELSE 0 END AS converted_value FROM your_table;


| converted_value|
|          56.78 |
|          123.45|
|             0   |

The CASE statement allows custom handling of conversions, offering flexibility in scenarios involving complex data.


This blog explored a comprehensive array of methodologies for seamlessly converting strings to numeric formats, such as Float or Double, within the MySQL database environment. Explored six distinct techniques – including the versatile CAST() and CONVERT() functions, the clever + 0 trick, the dual-purpose FORMAT() function, the precision-driven CAST() with REGEXP, and the adaptable CASE statement.

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