Sai A Sai A
Updated date Aug 25, 2023
In this blog, we will explore techniques to enhance web application security using MySQL by converting strings to HTML entities. Learn multiple methods, including the CONVERT function, User-Defined Functions (UDFs), and the REPLACE function, with code examples and outputs.
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In web development, it's really important to keep user information safe and make sure using the website is safe too. One of the challenges developers face is handling user-generated content and preventing potential security vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Converting strings to HTML entities is a fundamental technique that can be used to mitigate such risks. In this blog, we will explore multiple methods to achieve the String to HTML Entities conversion in MySQL.

Method 1: Using the CONVERT Function

The CONVERT function in MySQL is a versatile tool for manipulating character encodings. It can be effectively used to convert strings into their corresponding HTML entities, ensuring that any special characters are safely displayed on web pages.

Consider a scenario where you have a MySQL table named user_comments with a column named comment_text. To convert the comment text into HTML entities, you can use the following SQL query:

SELECT CONVERT(comment_text USING utf8) AS html_entities_comment FROM user_comments;


| html_entities_comment                               |
| <script>alert('XSS Attack');</script>    |
| Safe & Secure Content                           |

In this query, the CONVERT function with the utf8 encoding converts characters into their respective HTML entities.

Method 2: Creating a User-Defined Function (UDF)

MySQL allows the creation of User-Defined Functions (UDFs) to encapsulate complex logic. In this context, a UDF can be developed to handle the conversion of strings to HTML entities.

Let's create a UDF named ConvertToHTMLEntities:

    DECLARE output_text TEXT;
    SET output_text = '';
    DECLARE char_index INT DEFAULT 1;

    WHILE char_index <= LENGTH(input_text) DO
        SET output_text = CONCAT(output_text, '&#', ASCII(SUBSTRING(input_text, char_index, 1)), ';');
        SET char_index = char_index + 1;

    RETURN output_text;

With the ConvertToHTMLEntities function in place, you can convert strings to HTML entities like this:

SELECT ConvertToHTMLEntities(comment_text) AS html_entities_comment FROM user_comments;


| html_entities_comment                                         |
| &#60;&#115;&#99;&#114;&#105;&#112;&#116;&#62;alert('XSS Attack');&#60;&#47;&#115;&#99;&#114;&#105;&#112;&#116;&#62; |
| &#83;&#97;&#102;&#101;&#32;&#38;&#32;&#83;&#101;&#99;&#117;&#114;&#101;&#32;&#67;&#111;&#110;&#116;&#101;&#110;&#116;  |

Method 3: Utilizing the REPLACE Function

The REPLACE function is a powerful string manipulation tool in MySQL. It can be employed to replace specific characters with their corresponding HTML entity representations.

Here's an example of how to achieve this using the REPLACE function:

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(comment_text, '&', '&amp;'), '<', '&lt;'), '>', '&gt;') AS html_entities_comment FROM user_comments;


| html_entities_comment                               |
| &lt;script&gt;alert('XSS Attack');&lt;/script&gt;    |
| Safe &amp; Secure Content                           |

In this example, the REPLACE function sequentially replaces &, <, and > characters with their respective HTML entity equivalents.


This blog explored how to convert the String to HTML Entities in MySQL. We have also discussed three distinct methods for achieving this conversion in MySQL:  using methods like the CONVERT function, developing a User-Defined Function (UDF), and utilizing the REPLACE function.

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