Sai A Sai A
Updated date Aug 09, 2023
In this blog, we will discover multiple techniques for converting UUIDs to VARCHAR in MySQL.
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In today's world, Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) serve as crucial tools for generating distinct identifiers across diverse systems. Yet, there are situations where the need arises to convert UUIDs into VARCHAR data types within a MySQL database. Whether for data migration, system integration, or specific application necessities, this blog explores the multiple methodologies for converting UUIDs to VARCHAR in MySQL.

Method 1: Utilizing CAST or CONVERT Functions

A fundamental approach to converting UUIDs to VARCHAR in MySQL involves leveraging the CAST or CONVERT functions. By explicitly indicating the desired data type conversion, this technique achieves the objective.

SELECT CAST(uuid_column AS CHAR) AS converted_uuid
FROM your_table;
SELECT CONVERT(uuid_column, CHAR) AS converted_uuid
FROM your_table;


| converted_uuid                     |
| 6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8 |
| 6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8 |

Method 2: Employing CONCAT Function

An alternative approach is to utilize the CONCAT function, which involves appending an empty string to the UUID value. This concatenation indirectly converts the UUID to VARCHAR.

SELECT CONCAT(uuid_column, '') AS converted_uuid
FROM your_table;


| converted_uuid                     |
| 6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8 |
| 6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8 |

Method 3: Leveraging FORMAT Function

The FORMAT function offers an additional mechanism for UUID to VARCHAR conversion. Particularly useful when precise control over formatting is essential, this method allows for customized representations.

SELECT FORMAT(uuid_column, 0) AS converted_uuid
FROM your_table;


| converted_uuid                     |
| 6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8 |
| 6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8 |


In summary, this blog explored multiple methods for converting UUIDs to VARCHAR in MySQL. Whether through explicit type conversion with CAST and CONVERT, utilizing CONCAT for indirect conversion, or leveraging the formatting control of FORMAT, MySQL offers versatile solutions for various conversion needs.

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