Sai A Sai A
Updated date Oct 18, 2023
In this blog, we will learn the ins and outs of converting Boolean values to JSON in Python. Explore multiple methods, including dictionary-based, custom encoders, and function-based approaches.


In Python programming, working with data often involves handling different types, including Boolean values. There are situations where you might need to convert Boolean values to JSON format for easier integration with other systems or data interchange. In this blog, we will explore various methods to achieve this conversion.

Method 1: Using a Dictionary

The simplest way to convert a Boolean to JSON is by using a Python dictionary. JSON objects are essentially key-value pairs, and a dictionary in Python is a natural fit for this structure.

import json

# Boolean value
boolean_value = True

# Method 1: Using a dictionary
json_result_1 = json.dumps({"result": boolean_value})

print("Method 1 Output:", json_result_1)


Method 1 Output: {"result": true}

In this method, we create a dictionary with a key-value pair where the key is a descriptive label, and the value is the Boolean. The json.dumps() function is then used to convert the dictionary into a JSON-formatted string.

Method 2: Using a Custom Encoder

Another approach involves using a custom JSON encoder to handle Boolean values specifically.

import json

# Boolean value
boolean_value = False

# Method 2: Using a custom encoder
class BooleanEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, o):
        if isinstance(o, bool):
            return str(o).lower()
        return super().default(o)

json_result_2 = json.dumps(boolean_value, cls=BooleanEncoder)

print("Method 2 Output:", json_result_2)


Method 2 Output: "false"

Here, we define a custom encoder class that inherits from json.JSONEncoder. The default() method is overridden to handle Boolean values by converting them to lowercase strings. The cls parameter of json.dumps() is then used to specify the encoder.

Method 3: Using a Function

For more flexibility, a function can be defined to handle the conversion.

import json

# Boolean value
boolean_value = True

# Method 3: Using a function
def boolean_to_json(boolean_value):
    return json.dumps({"result": boolean_value})

json_result_3 = boolean_to_json(boolean_value)

print("Method 3 Output:", json_result_3)


Method 3 Output: {"result": true}

This method encapsulates the conversion logic in a function, making it reusable across different parts of your codebase.


In this blog, we have learned how to convert Boolean-to-JSON in Python, exploring multiple methods to achieve this task. Whether you opt for a dictionary, a custom encoder, or a function, each approach has its own advantages.

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