Sai A Sai A
Updated date Aug 04, 2023
In this blog, we will explore multiple methods to pivot a single-row result into columns in MySQL, a popular relational database management system. The methods covered include using the MAX() function with CASE statements and utilizing the GROUP_CONCAT() function.


As developers and data analysts, we often come across scenarios where we need to pivot our data from a single-row result into columns. This transformation allows us to present the data in a more organized and readable format, making it easier to analyze and interpret the results. In this blog, we will explore multiple methods to achieve this transformation.

Sample Data:

Before diving into the methods, let's consider a hypothetical scenario where we have a table named "sales_data" that contains the following data:

Year Category Revenue
2021 Category1 1000
2021 Category2 1500
2021 Category3 800

Our goal is to pivot this single-row result into columns based on the "Category" field, resulting in the following structure:

Year Category1 Category2 Category3
2021 1000 1500 800

Method 1: Using MAX() Function with CASE Statement

One of the simplest ways to achieve this pivot transformation is by using the MAX() function in conjunction with the CASE statement. The MAX() function helps us aggregate the data, while the CASE statement acts as a conditional expression to place the values in the appropriate columns.

  MAX(CASE WHEN Category = 'Category1' THEN Revenue END) AS Category1,
  MAX(CASE WHEN Category = 'Category2' THEN Revenue END) AS Category2,
  MAX(CASE WHEN Category = 'Category3' THEN Revenue END) AS Category3
FROM sales_data

In this method, we use the SELECT statement to retrieve the data and perform the pivot transformation. Inside the SELECT clause, we use the MAX() function along with the CASE statement for each category. The CASE statement checks if the "Category" matches the desired category ('Category1', 'Category2', etc.), and if so, it returns the "Revenue" value; otherwise, it returns NULL.

The GROUP BY clause groups the result by the "Year" column, ensuring that we get a single-row result for each year.


Year Category1 Category2 Category3
2021 1000 1500 800

Method 2: Utilizing GROUP_CONCAT() Function

Another approach to pivot our single-row result into columns is by using the GROUP_CONCAT() function. This method is particularly useful when dealing with string values and multiple columns with distinct categories.

  GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN Category = 'Category1' THEN Revenue END) AS Category1,
  GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN Category = 'Category2' THEN Revenue END) AS Category2,
  GROUP_CONCAT(CASE WHEN Category = 'Category3' THEN Revenue END) AS Category3
FROM sales_data

In this method, we use the GROUP_CONCAT() function within the SELECT statement instead of the MAX() function. The GROUP_CONCAT() function aggregates the values into a comma-separated string. The CASE statement works similarly, placing the "Revenue" value in the appropriate category's column and NULL for other categories.


Year Category1 Category2 Category3
2021 1000 1500 800


In this blog, we explored various methods to transform a single-row result into columns in MySQL. We learned two primary approaches: using the MAX() function with CASE statements and utilizing the GROUP_CONCAT() function. Both methods achieved the desired pivot transformation, allowing us to organize our data in a more structured and readable format.

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