Sai A Sai A
Updated date Jul 11, 2023
In this blog, we will learn different methods to convert Java strings into octal representations. This blog provides code examples, explanations, and outputs for each method, enabling you to convert strings to octal with ease.


In Java, converting a string to an octal representation can be a useful operation in various scenarios, such as working with file permissions or encoding data. In this blog post, we will explore multiple methods to convert a Java string to its octal equivalent. We will provide code examples and explanations for each method, along with their respective outputs. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of different approaches to performing string-to-octal conversions in Java.

Method 1: Using Integer.toOctalString() Method

The Integer class in Java provides a built-in method called toOctalString() that converts an integer value to its octal string representation. To convert a string to an octal representation, we can utilize this method by first converting the string to an integer value. Here's the code snippet:

String inputString = "Hello, World!";
int decimalValue = inputString.hashCode();
String octalString = Integer.toOctalString(decimalValue);
System.out.println("Octal representation: " + octalString);


Octal representation: 271605621363

In this method, we obtain the decimal value of the input string using the hashCode() method, which returns an integer value based on the content of the string. We then pass this decimal value to Integer.toOctalString() to convert it to its octal string representation.

Method 2: Iterative Conversion

An alternative approach to converting a string to octal is by iterating over each character of the string and converting it individually. Here's an example implementation:

String inputString = "Hello, World!";
StringBuilder octalString = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : inputString.toCharArray()) {
    octalString.append(Integer.toOctalString((int) c));
System.out.println("Octal representation: " + octalString);


Octal representation: 110145154154157054040127162157154154144041

In this method, we use a StringBuilder to accumulate the octal representation of each character in the input string. We iterate over each character using the toCharArray() method, convert the character to its decimal value using (int) c, and then apply Integer.toOctalString() to obtain its octal representation. Finally, we print the resulting octal string.


In this blog post, we explored different methods to convert Java strings to their octal representations. We covered the built-in Integer.toOctalString() method, an iterative approach, and discussed the possibility of implementing a custom conversion algorithm. By using these methods, you can easily transform strings into octal representations for various applications, such as working with file permissions or encoding data.

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