Sai A Sai A
Updated date Sep 21, 2023
In this blog, we will explore multiple methods to convert integers into tuples in Python.


Python, known for its versatility and readability, is a go-to language for many developers. Yet, there are occasional challenges that may seem unconventional, such as converting an integer into a tuple. This task can prove quite valuable in scenarios where you need to break down an integer into its constituent digits or construct custom data structures. In this blog, we will learn several methods for converting an integer to a tuple in Python.

Method 1: Using List Comprehension

def int_to_tuple_method1(number):
    digit_list = [int(digit) for digit in str(number)]
    result_tuple = tuple(digit_list)
    return result_tuple

# Example usage
integer_value = 12345
result = int_to_tuple_method1(integer_value)
print("Method 1 Output:", result)


Method 1 Output: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

In this method, we first convert the integer into a string using str(number). Then, we use a list comprehension to iterate through each digit in the string, converting each one back into an integer using int(digit). Finally, we convert the resulting list into a tuple using tuple(digit_list).

Method 2: Using Divmod

def int_to_tuple_method2(number):
    digit_list = []
    while number > 0:
        number, digit = divmod(number, 10)
        digit_list.insert(0, digit)
    result_tuple = tuple(digit_list)
    return result_tuple

# Example usage
integer_value = 6789
result = int_to_tuple_method2(integer_value)
print("Method 2 Output:", result)


Method 2 Output: (6, 7, 8, 9)

In this method, we repeatedly use the divmod function to extract the last digit of the integer (digit) and the remaining part of the integer (number). We insert the digit at the beginning of the digit_list to ensure that the digits are collected in the correct order.

Method 3: Using Recursion

def int_to_tuple_method3(number):
    if number < 10:
        return (number,)
        rest_tuple = int_to_tuple_method3(number // 10)
        last_digit = number % 10
        return rest_tuple + (last_digit,)

# Example usage
integer_value = 9876
result = int_to_tuple_method3(integer_value)
print("Method 3 Output:", result)


Method 3 Output: (9, 8, 7, 6)

In this method, the function recursively breaks down the integer by dividing it by 10 to obtain the "rest" of the integer and the last digit. When the integer becomes less than 10, we return a tuple with just that last digit. Otherwise, we recursively call the function to obtain the rest of the digits as a tuple and then concatenate it with the last digit to form the final result.

Method 4: Using Mathematical Operations

def int_to_tuple_method4(number):
    digit_list = []
    while number > 0:
        digit = number % 10
        number //= 10
    result_tuple = tuple(reversed(digit_list))
    return result_tuple

# Example usage
integer_value = 54321
result = int_to_tuple_method4(integer_value)
print("Method 4 Output:", result)


Method 4 Output: (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

This method uses the modulo operator (%) to extract the last digit of the integer and the floor division (//) operator to remove that digit from the integer. The extracted digits are added to the digit_list, and the final tuple is created by reversing the order of the digits.

Method 5: Using String Manipulation and map

def int_to_tuple_method5(number):
    digit_str = str(number)
    result_tuple = tuple(map(int, digit_str))
    return result_tuple

# Example usage
integer_value = 987654321
result = int_to_tuple_method5(integer_value)
print("Method 5 Output:", result)


Method 5 Output: (9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

In this method, we first convert the integer into a string. Then, we use the map function to apply the int function to each character in the string, effectively converting them to integers. Finally, we convert the iterable of integers into a tuple.

Method 6: Using List and zip

def int_to_tuple_method6(number):
    digit_str = str(number)
    result_tuple = tuple(zip(digit_str, range(len(digit_str))))
    return result_tuple

# Example usage
integer_value = 123456
result = int_to_tuple_method6(integer_value)
print("Method 6 Output:", result)


Method 6 Output: (('1', 0), ('2', 1), ('3', 2), ('4', 3), ('5', 4), ('6', 5))

Here, we use zip to combine the characters of the string with a range of numbers representing their positions. The resulting tuples contain pairs of characters and their positions, effectively converting the integer into a tuple.


In this blog, We have explored six different techniques for converting an integer to a tuple in Python, from list comprehensions to recursive approaches and mathematical operations.

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