Sai A Sai A
Updated date Jul 31, 2023
In this blog, we will discover the various approaches to convert an integer to a double in C#, from simple type casting to dynamic runtime conversions.


Converting data types is a fundamental task in programming, and in C#, converting an integer to a double is a common requirement. The process seems simple, but there are several nuances to consider when performing this conversion. In this blog, we will explore multiple methods to convert an integer to a double in C#.

Method 1: Using Type Casting

The first method we will discuss is using type casting to convert an integer to a double. Type casting allows us to explicitly convert one data type to another if a valid conversion exists between them.

int intValue = 42;
double doubleValue = (double)intValue;



In this method, we use the (double) type cast to convert the intValue to a double. The integer value 42 is converted to a double, resulting in 42.0. This approach is straightforward and works well when you need a quick, explicit conversion.

Method 2: Using Convert.ToDouble() Method

The second method utilizes the Convert.ToDouble() method, which provides a convenient way to convert various data types, including integers, to double.

int intValue = 42;
double doubleValue = Convert.ToDouble(intValue);



In this method, we utilize the Convert.ToDouble() method to convert the intValue to a double. The method takes care of handling possible edge cases and exceptions, making it a safer choice compared to type casting.

Method 3: Using Double.Parse() or Double.TryParse() Method

The third method involves using the Double.Parse() or Double.TryParse() method to convert an integer to a double.

int intValue = 42;
double doubleValue = double.Parse(intValue.ToString());



In this approach, we first convert the intValue to a string using ToString(), and then we use double.Parse() to convert the string to a double. Alternatively, we could use Double.TryParse() if we want to handle possible parsing errors gracefully.

Method 4: Using String Interpolation

The fourth method is a simple and concise way to convert an integer to a double using string interpolation.

int intValue = 42;
double doubleValue = double.Parse($"{intValue}");



Here, we use string interpolation with $"{intValue}" to convert the integer value to a string and then use double.Parse() to convert the string to a double. This method is convenient but should be used with caution, especially when dealing with user input, as parsing errors may occur.

Method 5: Using Convert.ChangeType() Method

The fifth method involves using the Convert.ChangeType() method, which provides a generalized way to convert between types at runtime.

int intValue = 42;
double doubleValue = (double)Convert.ChangeType(intValue, typeof(double));



In this method, we use Convert.ChangeType() to convert the intValue to a double. The method accepts the value and the target type (in this case, double), and it performs the conversion dynamically. This approach is more flexible, but it comes with the trade-off of performance and a lack of compile-time type checking.


In this blog, we explored several methods to convert an integer to a double in C#. Each method has its advantages and use cases. The type-casting method is straightforward but may lead to unexpected results if used carelessly. The Convert.ToDouble() method is a safe option that handles exceptions gracefully. The Double.Parse() and Double.TryParse() methods are useful when dealing with strings or user inputs. The string interpolation approach is concise but should be used judiciously. Lastly, the Convert.ChangeType() method is a flexible way to perform conversions at runtime, but it might affect performance.

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