Sai A Sai A
Updated date Jan 10, 2024
In this blog, we will learn the fundamentals of function pointers in C with clear examples and practical insights. Explore casting techniques for handling functions with different parameter types and discover function pointers.


Function pointers in C can be a powerful yet intimidating concept for many programmers. Understanding how to cast pointers to functions opens up a new realm of possibilities, allowing you to dynamically select and call functions at runtime. In this blog, we will explore the function pointers in a simple and approachable manner. We will explore different methods to achieve this conversion.

Method 1: Basics of Function Pointers

Let's start with the basics. In C, a function pointer is a variable that stores the address of a function. Here's a simple program to illustrate the concept:

#include <stdio.h>

// Sample functions
void greet() {
    printf("Hello, ");

void farewell() {

int main() {
    // Declare function pointers
    void (*ptrGreet)() = greet;
    void (*ptrFarewell)() = farewell;

    // Call functions through pointers

    return 0;


Hello, Goodbye!

In this example, we define two functions, greet and farewell. We then declare function pointers (ptrGreet and ptrFarewell) and assign the addresses of the respective functions to them. Finally, we call the functions through the pointers.

Method 2: Casting Function Pointers

Now, let's explore the casting of function pointers. Suppose we have a generic function that takes an integer and prints it:

#include <stdio.h>

// Generic function
void printInt(int num) {
    printf("Number: %d\n", num);

int main() {
    // Declare a function pointer
    void (*ptrPrint)(int);

    // Assign the address of the generic function
    ptrPrint = printInt;

    // Call the function through the pointer

    return 0;


Number: 42

In this case, we assigned the address of printInt to the function pointer ptrPrint. However, what if we want to call a function that takes a different type of argument, such as a double?

Method 3: Casting Function Pointers for Different Parameter Types

To handle functions with different parameter types, we need to use casting. Consider the following example:

#include <stdio.h>

// Generic function
void printDouble(double num) {
    printf("Number: %lf\n", num);

int main() {
    // Declare a function pointer
    void (*ptrPrint)(int);

    // Assign the address of the generic function with a different parameter type
    ptrPrint = (void (*)(int))printDouble;

    // Call the function through the pointer
    ptrPrint(42); // This will print garbage values due to incorrect casting

    return 0;


Number: -1.000000

In this example, we cast the function pointer to match the parameter type of the printDouble function. However, note that the output is unexpected due to the mismatch in parameter types. Proper casting is crucial to avoid unexpected behavior and runtime errors.

Method 4: Casting Function Pointers with a Generic Type

To handle functions with various parameter types more elegantly, we can use a generic function pointer type and casting. Here's an example:

#include <stdio.h>

// Generic function pointer type
typedef void (*GenericFuncPtr)(void*);

// Generic function
void printNumber(void* num) {
    if (num != NULL) {
        printf("Number: %lf\n", *((double*)num));

int main() {
    // Declare a generic function pointer
    GenericFuncPtr ptrPrint;

    // Assign the address of the generic function
    ptrPrint = (GenericFuncPtr)printNumber;

    // Call the function through the pointer with proper casting
    double value = 42.5;

    return 0;


Number: 42.500000

In this example, we use a generic function pointer type (GenericFuncPtr) that takes a void* parameter. We then cast the specific function pointer (ptrPrint) to this generic type and call the function with the proper casting of the argument.


In this blog, we have covered the basics of function pointers, explored casting for functions with different parameter types, and introduced a generic function pointer type for more elegant handling.

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