Sai A Sai A
Updated date May 21, 2023
In this blog, we will explore various methods to convert strings to CSV in C#, including StringBuilder and String.Join, CsvHelper library, LINQ and String.Join, and String.Replace and String.Concat.
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CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a widely used file format for exchanging data between different applications. It is a simple text format where each line represents a record, and the values within each line are separated by commas. C# provides various methods to convert strings to CSV format. In this blog post, we will explore some of the methods to convert strings to CSV in C#.

Method 1: Using StringBuilder and String.Join

The first method involves using StringBuilder and String.Join methods. The StringBuilder class provides efficient string concatenation operations, and the String.Join method concatenates the elements of an array or collection into a single string using a specified separator. Here's the code:

using System;
using System.Text;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        string[] values = {"John", "Doe", "31", "Male"};
        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.AppendLine(String.Join(",", values));



In the above code, we have an array of strings, which represent the values of a record. We then create a StringBuilder instance, which allows us to concatenate strings efficiently. We then call the String.Join method, which concatenates the values array with a comma separator. Finally, we use the StringBuilder.AppendLine method to add the concatenated string to the StringBuilder instance. The output is then printed to the console using the StringBuilder.ToString method.

Method 2: Using CsvHelper Library

The second method involves using the CsvHelper library, which is a popular and easy-to-use library for reading and writing CSV files. The CsvHelper library provides a CsvWriter class, which can be used to write CSV data to a stream or a file. Here's the code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using CsvHelper;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        string[] values = {"John", "Doe", "31", "Male"};

        using (var writer = new StringWriter())
        using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))



In the above code, we have an array of strings, which represent the values of a record. We then create a StringWriter instance, which allows us to write to an in-memory string. We then create a CsvWriter instance and pass the StringWriter instance and the CultureInfo.InvariantCulture as parameters. We then call the CsvWriter.WriteRecord method, which writes the values array to the StringWriter instance as a CSV record. Finally, we use the StringWriter.ToString method to get the CSV string, which is printed to the console.

Method 3: Using LINQ and String.Join

The third method involves using LINQ and String.Join methods. The LINQ Select method can be used to transform an array of values into an array of CSV formatted strings, which can then be joined using the String.Join method. Here's the code:

using System;
using System.Linq;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        string[] values = {"John", "Doe", "31", "Male"};

        string csv = String.Join(",", values.Select(v => $"\"{v}\""));



In the above code, we have an array of strings, which represent the values of a record. We then use the LINQ Select method to transform each value into a CSV formatted string by wrapping it with double quotes using string interpolation. We then use the String.Join method to join the transformed values with a comma separator. Finally, we print the CSV string to the console.

Method 4: Using String.Replace and String.Concat

The fourth method involves using String.Replace and String.Concat methods. This method replaces each comma separator in the values with a double quote, a comma separator, and a closing double quote. The String.Concat method is then used to concatenate the transformed values with a comma separator. Here's the code:

using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        string[] values = {"John", "Doe", "31", "Male"};

        string csv = String.Concat("\"", String.Join("\",\"", values).Replace(",", "\",\""), "\"");



In the above code, we have an array of strings, which represent the values of a record. We then use the String.Join method to join the values with a comma separator. We then replace each comma separator with a double quote, a comma separator, and a closing double quote using the String.Replace method. Finally, we use the String.Concat method to concatenate the transformed values with a comma separator and opening and closing double quotes. The resulting CSV string is then printed to the console.


In this blog post, we explored some of the methods to convert a string to CSV in C#. We used various techniques such as StringBuilder and String.Join, CsvHelper library, LINQ and String.Join, and String.Replace and String.Concat. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on the specific use case. StringBuilder and String.Join are simple and efficient but may not be suitable for complex CSV structures. CsvHelper is a popular and easy-to-use library but may require additional setup and configuration.

LINQ and String.Join provide a concise and readable syntax but may not be as performant as other methods. String.Replace and String.Concat provide a simple and flexible approach but may require additional handling for edge cases. Overall, it is essential to understand the strengths and limitations of each method and choose the one that best suits your needs.

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