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Updated date Jul 12, 2023
In this blog, we will learn various methods to convert Java strings to HTML format. Discover how to use string concatenation, the StringBuilder class, and libraries like Jsoup for efficient HTML generation.


In modern web development, the ability to dynamically generate HTML content is crucial. As a Java developer, you may often find yourself needing to convert plain text or string data into HTML format. This blog post aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide on converting Java strings to HTML, exploring multiple methods and providing examples along the way.

Method 1: Using String Concatenation

The simplest approach to convert a Java string to HTML is by using string concatenation. In this method, you manually add the necessary HTML tags and formatting to the string. While this method may suffice for simple cases, it becomes cumbersome and error-prone for more complex scenarios.

String name = "John Doe";
String html = "<h1>" + name + "</h1>";


<h1>John Doe</h1>

In the example above, we concatenate the string variable name with the <h1> and </h1> tags to create an HTML heading element. The resulting HTML string is then printed, producing the desired output.

Method 2: Using StringBuilder

To overcome the limitations of string concatenation, we can leverage the StringBuilder class in Java. This class provides efficient string manipulation operations, making it a suitable choice for building HTML strings.

String name = "John Doe";
StringBuilder htmlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
String html = htmlBuilder.toString();


<h1>John Doe</h1>

In this example, we utilize the StringBuilder class to create the HTML string. We append the <h1> tag, the name variable, and the closing </h1> tag to the StringBuilder instance. Finally, we convert the StringBuilder object to a string using the toString() method.

Method 3: Using Libraries (e.g., Jsoup)

When dealing with more complex HTML generation tasks, relying on libraries can greatly simplify the process. One popular Java library for HTML manipulation is Jsoup. It provides a rich set of features to parse, manipulate, and generate HTML.

import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;

String name = "John Doe";
Document document = Document.createShell("");
Element h1 = document.createElement("h1");
String html = document.outerHtml();


  <h1>John Doe</h1>

In this example, we utilize Jsoup to create an HTML document. We create an Element representing the <h1> tag and set its text content to the value of the name variable. We then append the <h1> element to the document's body. Finally, we retrieve the HTML string representation using the outerHtml() method.


In this blog post, we explored various methods to convert Java strings to HTML. We started with basic string concatenation and discussed its limitations. We then introduced the StringBuilder class, which provides more efficient string manipulation. Finally, we explored the usage of libraries like Jsoup, which offer advanced features for HTML generation.

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