Sai A Sai A
Updated date Apr 13, 2024
In this blog, we will explore three different methods in C# to convert a string to Base64 encoded format.

Method 1: Using Convert.ToBase64String()

To convert a string to Base64 encoded format in C# is by using the Convert.ToBase64String() method. This method takes a byte array as input and returns a Base64 encoded string. To convert a string to a Base64 encoded format, we need to first convert the string to a byte array using the Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes() method, and then pass the byte array to the Convert.ToBase64String() method.


using System;
using System.Text;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string plainText = "Hello, World!";
        byte[] plainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText);
        string base64EncodedText = Convert.ToBase64String(plainTextBytes);



Method 2: Using System.Security.Cryptography

Another way to convert a string to a Base64 encoded format in C# is by using the System.Security.Cryptography namespace. This method is more secure than the previous method as it uses a cryptographic algorithm to convert the string to a Base64 encoded format.


using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string plainText = "Hello, World!";
        byte[] plainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText);
        string base64EncodedText = Convert.ToBase64String(plainTextBytes);

        byte[] encryptedBytes = ProtectedData.Protect(plainTextBytes, null, DataProtectionScope.LocalMachine);
        string encryptedBase64Text = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedBytes);




Method 3: Using Custom Base64 Encoder

In some cases, you might need to use a custom Base64 encoder that follows a specific character set or padding. In such scenarios, you can create your own custom Base64 encoder in C#. To create a custom Base64 encoder, you need to first define the character set that you want to use and then implement the Base64 encoding algorithm based on that character set.


using System;
using System.Text;

class CustomBase64Encoder
    private const string CharacterSet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";

    public static string Encode(string plainText)
        var plainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText);
        var base64EncodedText = Convert.ToBase64String(plainTextBytes);

        var base64EncodedCharArray = base64EncodedText.ToCharArray();
        var customEncodedCharArray = new char[base64EncodedCharArray.Length];

        for (var i = 0; i < base64EncodedCharArray.Length; i++)
            var index = CharacterSet.IndexOf(base64EncodedCharArray[i]);
            customEncodedCharArray[i] = CharacterSet[(index + 10) % 64];

        return new string(customEncodedCharArray);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string plainText = "Hello, World!";
        string customEncodedText = CustomBase64Encoder.Encode(plainText);




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