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Updated date Apr 27, 2023
This blog explores five different methods to convert strings to doubles in C# with examples and explanations of each method. It includes the Double.Parse() method, the Double.TryParse() method, the Convert.ToDouble() method, the NumberStyles enumeration, and the CultureInfo class. The post helps readers choose the best method for their program and avoid common mistakes when working with floating-point numbers.


C# is a strongly-typed language, which means that data types are important in programming. One common data type that is used in C# is the double data type, which is used to represent floating-point numbers. When working with user input or data from external sources, it's important to be able to convert strings to doubles. In this blog post, we will explore different methods to convert strings to doubles in C#.

Method 1: Using the Double.Parse() Method

The simplest way to convert a string to a double in C# is to use the Double.Parse() method. This method takes a string as input and returns a double. Here is an example:

string str = "3.14";
double num = Double.Parse(str);



In the example above, we first define a string variable called "str" and assign it the value "3.14". Then we use the Double.Parse() method to convert the string to a double and assign the result to a double variable called "num". Finally, we use the Console.WriteLine() method to print the value of "num" to the console.

One important thing to note is that the Double.Parse() method will throw an exception if the input string is not a valid double. To handle this, you can use a try-catch block to catch the exception and handle it appropriately.

Method 2: Using the Double.TryParse() Method

Another way to convert a string to a double in C# is to use the Double.TryParse() method. This method is similar to the Double.Parse() method, but it returns a boolean value that indicates whether the conversion was successful or not. Here is an example:

string str = "3.14";
double num;
bool success = Double.TryParse(str, out num);

if (success)
    Console.WriteLine("Failed to convert string to double.");



In the example above, we define a string variable called "str" and assign it the value "3.14". We then define a double variable called "num" and a boolean variable called "success". We use the Double.TryParse() method to attempt to convert the string to a double, and we pass the double variable "num" as an out parameter to store the result of the conversion. The method returns a boolean value that indicates whether the conversion was successful or not, and we store this value in the "success" variable.

We then use an if-else statement to check if the conversion was successful. If it was, we print the value of "num" to the console. If it wasn't, we print an error message.

Method 3: Using the Convert.ToDouble() Method

A third way to convert a string to a double in C# is to use the Convert.ToDouble() method. This method takes a string as input and returns a double. Here is an example:

string str = "3.14";
double num = Convert.ToDouble(str);



In the example above, we define a string variable called "str" and assign it the value "3.14". We then use the Convert.ToDouble() method to convert the string to a double and assign the result to a double variable called "num". Finally, we use the Console.WriteLine() method to print the value of "num" to the console.

Method 4: Using the NumberStyles Enumeration

A fourth way to convert a string to a double in C# is to use the Double.Parse() method with the NumberStyles enumeration. The NumberStyles enumeration is used to specify the formatting style of the input string. Here is an example:

string str = "3.14";
double num = Double.Parse(str, NumberStyles.Float);



In the example above, we define a string variable called "str" and assign it the value "3.14". We then use the Double.Parse() method with the NumberStyles.Float enumeration to convert the string to a double and assign the result to a double variable called "num". Finally, we use the Console.WriteLine() method to print the value of "num" to the console.

The NumberStyles enumeration provides several options for formatting styles, such as NumberStyles.Currency, which is used for currency values, and NumberStyles.AllowThousands, which allows the input string to contain thousands separators.

Method 5: Using the CultureInfo Class

A fifth way to convert a string to a double in C# is to use the CultureInfo class. The CultureInfo class is used to specify the culture-specific formatting of the input string. Here is an example:

string str = "3,14";
double num = Double.Parse(str, CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr-FR"));



In the example above, we define a string variable called "str" and assign it the value "3,14". We then use the Double.Parse() method with the CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr-FR") method to convert the string to a double and assign the result to a double variable called "num". The "fr-FR" argument specifies the culture-specific formatting for French (France), which uses a comma as the decimal separator instead of a period.


In this blog post, we explored five different methods to convert strings to doubles in C#. These methods included using the Double.Parse() method, the Double.TryParse() method, the Convert.ToDouble() method, the NumberStyles enumeration, and the CultureInfo class. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which method to use will depend on the specific requirements of your program.

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