Sai A Sai A
Updated date May 07, 2023
This blog explores different methods to convert strings to kebab case in C# - from the simple String.Replace() and ToLower() method to the more powerful regular expression and LINQ methods.
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String manipulation is a common task in software development. One such manipulation is converting strings from one case to another. In this blog, we will explore how to convert strings to kebab case in C#. We will look at various methods to achieve this and explain them in detail. Kebab case is a naming convention where words are separated by hyphens (-) instead of spaces. For example, "Hello World" would become "hello-world" in the kebab case. By the end of this blog, you will have a clear understanding of how to convert strings to kebab case in C#.

Method 1: Using String.Replace() and ToLower()

The first method to convert a string to a kebab case is by using the String.Replace() method and ToLower() method. The String.Replace() method replaces all occurrences of a specified string with another string. The ToLower() method converts a string to a lowercase.

Here is an example code snippet:

string input = "Hello World";
string kebabCase = input.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower();



In the code snippet above, we first declare a string variable called input and initialize it with the string "Hello World". We then create another string variable called kebabCase and assign it the result of calling the Replace() method on the input string, replacing all occurrences of spaces with hyphens (-). We then call the ToLower() method on the kebabCase string to convert it to lowercase. Finally, we print out the resulting kebabCase string using the Console.WriteLine() method.

Method 2: Using Regular Expressions

The second method to convert a string to a kebab case is by using regular expressions. Regular expressions are a powerful tool for pattern matching and text manipulation. We can use regular expressions to find and replace specific patterns in a string.

Here is an example code snippet:

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

string input = "Hello World";
string pattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]+";
string replacement = "-";
string kebabCase = Regex.Replace(input, pattern, replacement).ToLower();



In the code snippet above, we first declare a string variable called input and initialize it with the string "Hello World". We then declare a string variable called pattern and initialize it with a regular expression pattern that matches any non-alphanumeric character. We then declare another string variable called replacement and initialize it with the string "-" which will be used to replace any matches of the pattern. We then call the Regex.Replace() method on the input string, passing in the pattern and replacement string. This will replace any matches of the pattern in the input string with the replacement string. We then call the ToLower() method on the resulting kebabCase string to convert it to lowercase. Finally, we print out the resulting kebabCase string using the Console.WriteLine() method.

Method 3: Using LINQ

The third method to convert a string to a kebab case is by using LINQ (Language-Integrated Query). LINQ is a powerful feature in C# that allows us to query data in a declarative way.

Here is an example code snippet:

using System.Linq;

string input = "Hello World";
string kebabCase = new string(input.Select(c => Char.IsWhiteSpace(c) ? '-' : c).ToArray()).ToLower();



In the code snippet above, we first declare a string variable called input and initialize it with the string "Hello World". We then create a new string variable called kebabCase and initialize it with a new string constructed from the result of calling the Select() method on the input string. The Select() method projects each character in the input string into a new character. If the character is a whitespace character, we replace it with a hyphen (-) using a ternary operator. Otherwise, we leave the character unchanged. We then convert the resulting character array to a string using the new string() constructor. Finally, we call the ToLower() method on the resulting kebabCase string to convert it to lowercase. We print out the resulting kebabCase string using the Console.WriteLine() method.


In this blog, we explored different methods to convert a string to a kebab case in C#. We started with the String.Replace() and ToLower() methods, which provide a simple and straightforward approach. Then, we looked at how to use regular expressions to find and replace specific patterns in a string. Finally, we used LINQ to project each character in the input string into a new character and replaced whitespace characters with hyphens (-).

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