Sai A Sai A
Updated date Jul 23, 2023
In this blog, we will learn how to convert time values into seconds for easier calculations and analysis. This blog covers multiple methods for achieving this conversion, from using built-in functions like strtotime() and object-oriented approaches with DateTime to employing string manipulation and regular expressions.
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Time is a crucial aspect of programming and data analysis. In various applications, it's often necessary to convert time values into a more manageable format, such as seconds, to facilitate calculations or comparisons. In this blog, we will explore different methods to convert time to seconds in PHP, a popular server-side scripting language. 

Method 1: Using strtotime() Function

The strtotime() function in PHP is a versatile tool for parsing textual date descriptions and converting them into Unix timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970). We can leverage this function to convert time to seconds easily.

$time = "03:30:45";
$seconds = strtotime($time) - strtotime('TODAY');
echo "Time in seconds: " . $seconds;


Time in seconds: 12645

In this method, we use the strtotime() function to convert the time string into a Unix timestamp representing today's date and time. We then subtract the Unix timestamp of the start of the day (midnight) to obtain the time in seconds since the beginning of the day.

Method 2: Using DateTime and DateInterval

PHP's DateTime class provides an object-oriented approach to work with dates and times. We can utilize the DateTime class along with DateInterval to achieve the time to seconds conversion.

$time = "03:30:45";
$datetime = DateTime::createFromFormat('H:i:s', $time);
$midnight = DateTime::createFromFormat('H:i:s', '00:00:00');
$interval = $datetime->diff($midnight);
$seconds = $interval->s + $interval->i * 60 + $interval->h * 3600;
echo "Time in seconds: " . $seconds;


Time in seconds: 12645

In this approach, we create DateTime objects for the given time and midnight (00:00:00). Then, we calculate the time difference (DateInterval) between these two DateTime objects, which gives us the duration. Finally, we extract the seconds, minutes, and hours from the DateInterval object and convert them to seconds.

Method 3: Using Explode and Mathematical Calculation

This method involves using the explode() function to split the time string and perform a simple mathematical calculation to convert time to seconds.

$time = "03:30:45";
$time_parts = explode(":", $time);
$seconds = $time_parts[2] + $time_parts[1] * 60 + $time_parts[0] * 3600;
echo "Time in seconds: " . $seconds;


Time in seconds: 12645

Here, we split the time string at the ":" delimiter using explode(). This results in an array containing hours, minutes, and seconds. We then perform a straightforward calculation to convert the time to seconds.

Method 4: Using Regular Expressions

In this method, we employ regular expressions to extract the hour, minute, and second values from the time string and then convert them into seconds.

$time = "03:30:45";
$pattern = "/(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/";
preg_match($pattern, $time, $matches);
$seconds = $matches[3] + $matches[2] * 60 + $matches[1] * 3600;
echo "Time in seconds: " . $seconds;


Time in seconds: 12645

With regular expressions, we define a pattern to match the hour, minute, and second values within the time string. The preg_match() function is then used to extract these values into the $matches array, which we can use to perform the conversion to seconds.


In this blog, we explored various methods to convert time to seconds in PHP. We started with the strtotime() function and leveraged object-oriented approaches using DateTime and DateInterval. Additionally, we showcased how to use basic string manipulation with explode() and regular expressions to achieve conversion.

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