Sai A Sai A
Updated date Jun 08, 2023
In this blog, we will learn multiple methods to select or get the first element in a list using jQuery. Explore the :first selector, .first() method, and .eq() method with detailed explanations, example programs, and outputs.


jQuery is a powerful JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal, event handling, and manipulation. One common task when working with lists in jQuery is selecting the first element. In this blog post, we will explore multiple methods to achieve this using jQuery, providing a program, output, and explanation for each method. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of various approaches to selecting the first element in a list using jQuery.

Method 1: Using the :first Selector

The first method involves using the ":first" selector in jQuery. This selector selects the first element in the matched set. Here's an example program:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var firstElement = $("li:first");


The output will be the text content of the first <li> element in the list.

In this method, we use the $(document).ready() function to ensure the DOM has loaded before executing our code. We then use the "$" function with the selector "li:first" to select the first <li> element in the document. The selected element is stored in the "firstElement" variable. Finally, we log the text content of the first element using the .text() method.

Method 2: Using the .first() Method

The second method involves using the .first() method in jQuery. This method reduces the set of matched elements to the first one in the set. Here's an example program:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var firstElement = $("li").first();


The output will be the text content of the first <li> element in the list.

In this method, we again use the $(document).ready() function to ensure the DOM is ready. We select all <li> elements using the "li" selector and then apply the .first() method to reduce the set of matched elements to the first one. The first element is stored in the "firstElement" variable, and we log its text content using the .text() method.

Method 3: Using the .eq() Method

The third method involves using the .eq() method in jQuery. This method reduces the set of matched elements to the one at the specified index. Here's an example program:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var firstElement = $("li").eq(0);


The output will be the text content of the first <li> element in the list.

In this method, we follow the same pattern of using $(document).ready() to ensure the DOM is ready. We select all <li> elements using the "li" selector and then apply the .eq(0) method to reduce the set of matched elements to the first one (index 0). The first element is stored in the "firstElement" variable, and we log its text content using the .text() method.


In this blog post, we explored multiple methods to select the first element in a list using jQuery. We covered the usage of the ":first" selector, the .first() method, and the .eq() method. Each method provided the same desired output, but they differ slightly in their implementation. Understanding these different approaches allows you to choose the method that suits your needs and preferences best. With the knowledge gained from this blog, you'll be able to confidently select the first element in a list using jQuery in your future web development projects.

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