Sai A Sai A
Updated date Aug 08, 2023
In this blog, we will discover multiple methods to convert numbers into their ordinal forms using C#.


Ordinal numbers are crucial for expressing positions, rankings, or sequences in a more human-friendly manner. In this blog, we'll explore ordinal number conversion using the C# programming language.

Method 1: Using Conditional Statements

The first approach involves utilizing conditional statements to determine the appropriate ordinal suffix for a given number. This method is straightforward and involves analyzing the last digit of the number to apply the suitable suffix, such as "st," "nd," "rd," or "th." Below is a C# program that demonstrates this method:

using System;

class Program
    static string ConvertToOrdinal(int number)
        if (number >= 11 && number <= 13)
            return number + "th";

        switch (number % 10)
            case 1: return number + "st";
            case 2: return number + "nd";
            case 3: return number + "rd";
            default: return number + "th";

    static void Main()
        int num = 42;
        string ordinal = ConvertToOrdinal(num);
        Console.WriteLine($"The ordinal form of {num} is {ordinal}");


The ordinal form of 42 is 42nd

Method 2: Using Ternary Operator

The second method involves leveraging the ternary operator to create a concise and elegant solution. This operator allows us to make quick decisions based on conditions, making it suitable for ordinal number conversion. Here's a C# code snippet that demonstrates this approach:

using System;

class Program
    static string ConvertToOrdinal(int number)
        string suffix = (number >= 11 && number <= 13) ? "th"
                       : (number % 10 == 1) ? "st"
                       : (number % 10 == 2) ? "nd"
                       : (number % 10 == 3) ? "rd"
                       : "th";

        return number + suffix;

    static void Main()
        int num = 73;
        string ordinal = ConvertToOrdinal(num);
        Console.WriteLine($"The ordinal form of {num} is {ordinal}");


The ordinal form of 73 is 73rd

Method 3: Using a Dictionary

The third method involves utilizing a dictionary to store the ordinal suffixes and their corresponding conditions. This approach strikes a balance between readability and flexibility. Here's a C# code snippet showcasing this technique:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static string ConvertToOrdinal(int number)
        Dictionary<int, string> suffixes = new Dictionary<int, string>
            { 11, "th" }, { 12, "th" }, { 13, "th" },
            { 1, "st" }, { 2, "nd" }, { 3, "rd" },

        int lastDigits = number % 100;
        int lastDigit = number % 10;

        return suffixes.ContainsKey(lastDigits) ? number + suffixes[lastDigits] : number + suffixes[lastDigit];

    static void Main()
        int num = 105;
        string ordinal = ConvertToOrdinal(num);
        Console.WriteLine($"The ordinal form of {num} is {ordinal}");


The ordinal form of 105 is 105th


In this blog, we explored different methods for converting numbers to their ordinal forms in C#. We started with conditional statements, which provide a straightforward approach. Then, we explored the ternary operator for a more concise solution. Lastly, we demonstrated the use of a dictionary for a balanced blend of readability and flexibility.

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