Sai A Sai A
Updated date Aug 08, 2023
In this blog, we will explore the various methods to convert string case in MySQL, from using the essential LOWER() and UPPER() functions to the lesser-known LCASE(), UCASE(), and the powerful BINARY operator.


In databases, MySQL stands tall as one of the most popular and versatile choices. From managing data to performing complex operations, MySQL offers a large number of functions to make data manipulation a breeze. In this blog, we will dive into a fundamental yet essential task: converting strings to lowercase or uppercase using MySQL. 

Method 1: Using the LOWER() and UPPER() Functions

The most straightforward way to transform text case in MySQL is by utilizing the built-in LOWER() and UPPER() functions. These functions take a string input and return its lowercase or uppercase equivalent, respectively.

SELECT LOWER(column_name) AS lowercase_text FROM table_name;
SELECT UPPER(column_name) AS uppercase_text FROM table_name;

Let's consider an example. Suppose we have a table named employees with a column first_name, and we want to retrieve the first names in lowercase:

SELECT LOWER(first_name) AS lowercase_first_name FROM employees;


| lowercase_first_name |
| john                  |
| emily                 |
| michael               |

Method 2: Using the LCASE() and UCASE() Functions

MySQL provides additional functions, LCASE() and UCASE(), which are synonymous with LOWER() and UPPER(), respectively. These can also be used to achieve text case conversion.

SELECT LCASE(column_name) AS lowercase_text FROM table_name;
SELECT UCASE(column_name) AS uppercase_text FROM table_name;

Continuing with the previous example:

SELECT LCASE(first_name) AS lowercase_first_name FROM employees;


| lowercase_first_name |
| john                  |
| emily                 |
| michael               |

Method 3: Using the BINARY Operator

The above methods work perfectly for most cases. However, if you encounter a situation where you need case conversion without changing the actual values in the database, you can use the BINARY operator.

SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE BINARY column_name = 'SearchTerm';

For instance, if we want to find a case-sensitive match for the first name "Emily":

SELECT first_name FROM employees WHERE BINARY first_name = 'Emily';


| first_name |
| Emily      |


In this blog, we explored various methods to transform text case in MySQL. We started with the fundamental LOWER() and UPPER() functions, which directly convert strings to lowercase or uppercase, respectively. Then, we learned about the LCASE() and UCASE() functions, which provide alternative ways to achieve the same outcome. Finally, we explored using the BINARY operator for case-sensitive searches.

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