TechieClues TechieClues
Updated date Jul 04, 2023
This blog presents a complete guide to converting a List to a Set in Java. It explores four different methods, including HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet, and Java 8 streams with Collectors. By understanding the strengths and use cases of each approach, developers can make informed decisions when working with collections, leading to more efficient and robust Java applications.


In Java, working with collections is a fundamental aspect of programming. Lists and Sets are two commonly used data structures that hold a collection of elements. A List allows duplicates and maintains the order of elements, while a Set does not allow duplicates and does not guarantee any specific order. Converting a List to a Set can be a useful operation in various scenarios, such as removing duplicates or ensuring unique elements.

In this blog, we will explore multiple approaches to convert a List to a Set in Java. Each method will be accompanied by an explanation and code examples, ensuring a clear understanding of the process. We will also provide the output for each method to demonstrate the results. So, let's dive into the various techniques for converting a List to a Set in Java!

Method 1: Using HashSet

The first method involves using the HashSet class, which is one of the implementations of the Set interface. It stores elements in a hash table and guarantees no duplicate elements. Here's the Java program to demonstrate this approach:

import java.util.*;

public class ListToSetConversion {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a List with duplicate elements
        List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 1);

        // Convert List to Set using HashSet
        Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>(list);

        // Display the Set elements
        System.out.println("Method 1 - Using HashSet:");
        for (Integer element : set) {
            System.out.print(element + " ");


Method 1 - Using HashSet:
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In this method, we first create a List list with some duplicate elements. Then, we use the constructor of HashSet to convert the List to a Set named set. The constructor of HashSet takes a Collection as an argument, so we pass the list to it, effectively removing duplicates and converting it to a Set. The Set does not preserve the original order of elements.

Method 2: Using LinkedHashSet

The second method involves using the LinkedHashSet class, another implementation of the Set interface. LinkedHashSet maintains the insertion order of elements, which means the elements will be stored in the order they were inserted. Here's the Java program for this approach:

import java.util.*;

public class ListToSetConversion {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a List with duplicate elements
        List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 1);

        // Convert List to Set using LinkedHashSet
        Set<Integer> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(list);

        // Display the Set elements
        System.out.println("Method 2 - Using LinkedHashSet:");
        for (Integer element : set) {
            System.out.print(element + " ");


Method 2 - Using LinkedHashSet:
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In this method, we follow a similar approach as in Method 1, but instead of using HashSet, we use LinkedHashSet to convert the List to a Set. The elements will be inserted into the LinkedHashSet in the order they appear in the List, maintaining the insertion order in the resulting Set.

Method 3: Using TreeSet

The third method involves using the TreeSet class, which is a NavigableSet implementation that stores elements in a sorted order. The elements in a TreeSet are arranged in their natural ordering or according to a specified comparator. Here's the Java program for this approach:

import java.util.*;

public class ListToSetConversion {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a List with duplicate elements
        List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 1);

        // Convert List to Set using TreeSet
        Set<Integer> set = new TreeSet<>(list);

        // Display the Set elements
        System.out.println("Method 3 - Using TreeSet:");
        for (Integer element : set) {
            System.out.print(element + " ");


Method 3 - Using TreeSet:
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In this method, we utilize the TreeSet class to convert the List to a Set. The TreeSet automatically sorts the elements in ascending order, ensuring that the resulting Set contains unique elements in a sorted manner.

Method 4: Using Stream and Collectors

The fourth method involves utilizing the power of Java 8 streams and the Collectors class to convert a List to a Set. This approach allows for a more concise and functional programming style. Here's the Java program for this approach:

import java.util.*;

public class ListToSetConversion {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a List with duplicate elements
        List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 1);

        // Convert List to Set using Stream and Collectors
        Set<Integer> set =

        // Display the Set elements
        System.out.println("Method 4 - Using Stream and Collectors:");
        for (Integer element : set) {
            System.out.print(element + " ");


Method 4 - Using Stream and Collectors:
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In this method, we leverage the Stream API introduced in Java 8. We call the stream() method on the List to convert it into a stream of elements. Then, using the Collectors.toSet() method, we collect the stream elements into a Set. The resulting Set will contain unique elements, effectively removing any duplicates from the original List.


Converting a List to a Set in Java is a common operation when dealing with collections. In this blog, we explored four different methods for achieving this conversion: using HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet, and leveraging the power of Java 8 streams with the Collectors class. If removing duplicates is the primary concern and order preservation is not necessary, the HashSet approach (Method 1) provides a fast and efficient solution. On the other hand, if maintaining the order of insertion is important, LinkedHashSet (Method 2) is the way to go. It ensures both uniqueness and order preservation.



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