Sai A Sai A
Updated date May 08, 2023
In this blog, we will learn to convert strings to pluralize in C# using if-else statements, ternary operators, and the built-in Pluralize() method.
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When it comes to working with strings in C#, one common task is to pluralize a word based on a given number. This can be useful in many applications, such as displaying user feedback or generating dynamic reports. In this blog post, we will discuss different approaches to convert strings to pluralize in C#.

Method 1: Using if-else Statements

One of the most straightforward ways to pluralize a string in C# is to use if-else statements. In this approach, we check if the given number is greater than one and append an "s" at the end of the string if it is. Here is an example program:

string word = "apple";
int count = 3;

if (count > 1)
    word += "s";

Console.WriteLine($"{count} {word}");


3 apples

In the above program, we define a string variable named word and set its value to "apple". We also define an integer variable named count and set its value to 3. Next, we check if count is greater than 1 using an if statement. Since count is indeed greater than 1, we append an "s" at the end of word. Finally, we use the Console.WriteLine() method to output the result.

Method 2: Using Ternary Operators

Another way to pluralize a string in C# is to use ternary operators. Ternary operators are concise expressions that allow you to write an if-else statement in a single line. Here is an example program:

string word = "apple";
int count = 3;

word += (count > 1) ? "s" : "";

Console.WriteLine($"{count} {word}");


3 apples

In the above program, we define a string variable named word and set its value to "apple". We also define an integer variable named count and set its value to 3. Next, we use a ternary operator to check if count is greater than 1. If it is, we append an "s" at the end of word. Finally, we use the Console.WriteLine() method to output the result.

Method 3: Using the Pluralize Method

C# also provides a built-in method called Pluralize() that can be used to pluralize strings. This method is part of the System.Data.Entity.Design.PluralizationServices namespace, which can be added to your project as a NuGet package. Here is an example program:

using System.Data.Entity.Design.PluralizationServices;
using System.Globalization;


string word = "apple";
int count = 3;

PluralizationService pluralizationService = PluralizationService.CreateService(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
word = pluralizationService.Pluralize(word);

Console.WriteLine($"{count} {word}");


3 apples

In the above program, we define a string variable named word and set its value to "apple". We also define an integer variable named count and set its value to 3. Next, we create a new instance of the PluralizationService class and pass in the current culture using the CultureInfo.CurrentCulture property. We then use the Pluralize() method to pluralize word. Finally, we use the Console.WriteLine() method to output the result.


In this blog post, we have discussed different approaches to convert strings to pluralize in C#. We started with a simple if-else statement and then moved on to using ternary operators to make the code more concise. We also explored the built-in Pluralize() method, which is part of the System.Data.Entity.Design.PluralizationServices namespace.

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