C# Statement Keywords

C# Statement Keywords

C# statement keywords are reserved words in the C# programming language that define various control flow and looping constructs, as well as exception-handling mechanisms. These keywords are used to create structured and responsive code by allowing the program to execute different blocks of code based on certain conditions and to handle exceptions gracefully.

Here are the C# statement keywords:

Keyword Description
if Executes a block of code if a specified condition is true.
else Executes a block of code if the preceding 'if' condition is false.
switch Evaluates a variable and performs different actions based on its value.
case Defines specific values or ranges within a 'switch' statement.
do Executes a block of code repeatedly until a specified condition is true.
for Repeats a block of code a specified number of times.
foreach Iterates over elements in a collection or array.
in Used in 'foreach' loops to specify the collection to iterate over.
while Repeats a block of code while a specified condition is true.
break Exits the current loop or 'switch' statement.
continue Skips the current iteration of a loop and continues to the next.
default Specifies the default case in a 'switch' statement.
goto Transfers control to a labeled statement in the code.
return Exits a method and returns a value to the caller.
yield Used with 'IEnumerable' to return a sequence of values.
throw Raises an exception to signal an error or exceptional condition.
try Starts a block of code that might cause an exception.
catch Catches and handles exceptions that occur in a 'try' block.
finally Defines a block of code that executes regardless of exceptions.
checked Checks for arithmetic overflow during computations.
unchecked Disables overflow checking during arithmetic computations.
fixed Declares a pointer variable and pins it to a memory location.
lock Provides a way to synchronize access to a shared resource in a multithreaded environment.