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Updated date Jun 13, 2023
In this blog, we delve into the world of JavaScript and explore various techniques for counting the number of occurrences of a character in a string. From using simple for loops to leveraging powerful regular expressions, we provide detailed explanations and code examples for each method.


In JavaScript, counting the number of occurrences of a character in a string is a common task when dealing with text processing or data manipulation. While this might seem like a simple task at first, there are multiple approaches one can take to solve it efficiently. In this blog, we will explore several methods to count character occurrences in a string using JavaScript. We will provide detailed explanations and code examples for each method, along with their respective outputs. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of different techniques and be able to choose the most suitable one for your specific use case.

Method 1: Using a for loop

The first method involves using a for loop to iterate through each character in the string and count the occurrences of the target character. Here's the code snippet that demonstrates this approach:

function countOccurrences(string, targetChar) {
  let count = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
    if (string[i] === targetChar) {
  return count;

// Example usage
const str = "Hello, World!";
const target = "l";
const occurrenceCount = countOccurrences(str, target);
console.log(`The character "${target}" appears ${occurrenceCount} times.`);


The character "l" appears 3 times.

The countOccurrences function takes two parameters: string represents the input string, and targetChar is the character we want to count. Inside the function, we initialize a count variable to keep track of the occurrences. We iterate through each character in the string using a for loop, and for each character, we check if it matches the target character. If it does, we increment the count variable. Finally, we return the count value, which represents the total number of occurrences.

Method 2: Using the split() and filter() methods

The second method involves utilizing JavaScript's split() method to convert the string into an array of characters and then using the filter() method to filter out the target character. Here's the code snippet:

function countOccurrences(string, targetChar) {
  const charsArray = string.split('');
  const filteredArray = charsArray.filter(char => char === targetChar);
  return filteredArray.length;

// Example usage
const str = "Hello, World!";
const target = "l";
const occurrenceCount = countOccurrences(str, target);
console.log(`The character "${target}" appears ${occurrenceCount} times.`);


The character "l" appears 3 times.

In this approach, we first split the input string string into an array of characters using the split() method with an empty string as the delimiter. Then, we use the filter() method to create a new array that only contains the target character targetChar. Finally, we return the length of the filtered array, which represents the number of occurrences of the target character in the string.

Method 3: Using regular expressions

The third method involves leveraging regular expressions to count character occurrences. Regular expressions provide powerful pattern matching capabilities that can be used to solve this problem concisely. Here's the code snippet:

function countOccurrences(string, targetChar) {
  const regex = new RegExp(targetChar, 'g');
  const matches = string.match(regex);
  return matches ? matches.length : 0;

// Example usage
const str = "Hello, World!";
const target = "l";
const occurrenceCount = countOccurrences(str, target);
console.log(`The character "${target}" appears ${occurrenceCount} times.`);


The character "l" appears 3 times.

In this approach, we create a regular expression regex using the RegExp constructor and the target character targetChar. The 'g' flag ensures that all matches are found. We then use the match() method on the input string string to find all occurrences of the target character. The method returns an array of matches, which we can then check the length of. If there are matches, we return the length; otherwise, we return 0.


Counting the number of occurrences of a character in a string is a fundamental task in JavaScript. In this blog, we explored three different methods to accomplish this: using a for loop, utilizing the split() and filter() methods, and leveraging regular expressions. Each method offers its own advantages, such as simplicity, readability, or conciseness.

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