Marco Shira Marco Shira
Updated date Sep 18, 2023
Transform your enterprise with blockchain technology. Discover the power of secure transactions, enhanced risk management, and streamlined workflows.


Blockchain technology has rapidly evolved from a finance-oriented distributed ledger into a specialized tool for managing various transactions. This transformation has given rise to a wide range of diverse and unique use cases specifically designed to meet the specific needs of organizations.

The essence of enterprise blockchain retains the key attributes of traditional blockchain, such as immutability and scalability. However, it goes beyond that by incorporating additional features like access control, data protection, and privacy measures.

While the primary focus of blockchain has been on financial transactions, its versatility allows for seamless integration into non-financial functions such as supply chain management, contract fulfillment, and record-keeping.

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Growing Adoption of Enterprise Blockchain

According to Blockdata, the enterprise blockchain app development company to the market value of enterprise blockchain is estimated to be $16 billion, with a compound annual growth rate exceeding 60%. This technology has been embraced by over three-quarters of the Fortune 100 companies, making it one of the most significant technology initiatives of the decade.

Companies Embracing Enterprise Blockchain Technology

Enterprise blockchains are aligning themselves with key industry verticals. Major oil and gas firms like Exxon and British Petroleum participate in VAKT, a platform developed in 2018 by providers, traders, and financiers. Industry leaders such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca employ the EU-backed PharmaLedger blockchain in the pharmaceutical sector. Similarly, life science companies Eli Lilly and Amgen utilize the MediLedger program, specifically designed to meet the requirements of the U.S. Drug Supply Chain and Security Act (DSCSA) requirements.

Reducing Risk and Enhancing Operations

The primary benefit that enterprise blockchain brings to digital organizations today is enhanced risk management. By utilizing advanced cryptographic protocols, the integrity of individual data blocks within the chain is heightened, resulting in improved security and resilience, as noted by Kerem Gülen of Dataconomy. Moreover, the technology streamlines workflows, reduces operational costs, fosters collaboration, and simplifies legal and regulatory compliance tasks.

Empowering Business with Smart Contracts

Enterprise blockchain enables organizations to distribute value at the same speed as they distribute data. However, settling these agreements can be time-consuming and costly. By utilizing blockchain technology, transactions, and record-keeping are simplified. Smart contracts are used to automate contract execution and ongoing monitoring. These contracts employ self-verification and other techniques to eliminate the need for manual oversight. By providing visibility into transactions, they also foster trust between parties.

Overcoming Obstacles

Despite its benefits, there are still certain barriers to the widespread adoption of commercial blockchain. Evaluating the impact on business culture and considering economic and organizational factors, such as calculating return on investment (ROI), are crucial.

The following effective practices to address these challenges:

  • Identify use cases that require resilience and data security.
  • Plan the integration or replacement of legacy systems.
  • Optimize blockchains for each environment, whether internal or external.
  • Evaluate the cost-benefit ratio through well-defined ROI metrics.
  • Acquire the necessary talent with expertise in programming, legal matters, and executive management to optimize blockchain implementation.
  • Monitor data growth and utilize advanced data collection and analytics tools to detect potential issues.
  • Prioritize business needs over IT requirements to ensure the technology effectively serves the intended purpose.

Size Matters in Blockchain Security

It's important to note that while blockchains are inherently immutable, their security can still be compromised. Public blockchains rely on numerous copies stored in secure data centers worldwide, whereas private blockchains, commonly used by enterprises, have fewer copies. Determined hackers armed with sophisticated malware could alter many ledgers in private blockchains, making fraudulent transactions appear legitimate. Therefore, larger blockchains offer greater security. This explains why leading industry players are at the forefront of private enterprise blockchain deployments.

The Future of Enterprise Blockchain

The success of blockchain technology in becoming a key enterprise solution appears highly likely. The risk of loss is minimal, while the benefits of improved operations, streamlined workflows, and cost reduction are substantial. Despite the challenges and setbacks that may arise, each hurdle serves as a valuable learning experience. Overcoming these obstacles allows enterprise blockchain to serve as a springboard for new blockchain development services, revenue streams, and innovative business models, ultimately democratizing the value generated by human endeavors.


Enterprise blockchain technology has witnessed remarkable growth and adoption across various industries, with a market value estimated at $16 billion and a compound annual growth rate exceeding 60%. This transformative technology has been embraced by numerous Fortune 100 companies and has proven its value in enhancing risk management, improving operations, and empowering businesses through the use of smart contracts.


Marco Shira
Marco Shira
Blockchain Expert, United States of America

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