Sai A Sai A
Updated date Jan 14, 2024
In this blog, we will explore the various methods for convert string to base58 encoded in PHP. Learn three distinct methods to convert strings into Base58 format easily.


In the data encoding world, Base58 has gained popularity for its efficiency and human-friendly representation. If you have ever wondered how to convert a string into a Base58-encoded format using PHP. In this blog, we will learn the process step by step, providing you with clear explanations and working code snippets.

Method 1: Using the Base58 Encode Function

Let's start with the easy method. PHP doesn't have a built-in Base58 encoding function, so we'll use an external library, such as the "bitcoin-php/base58" library, which simplifies the process.

require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); // Include the autoload file from the library

// Sample string to encode
$inputString = "Hello, Base58!";

// Using the Base58 encode function
$encodedString = Base58::encode($inputString);

// Output the result
echo "Method 1 Output: $encodedString";
  • We begin by including the autoload file from the Base58 library using require_once('vendor/autoload.php').
  • Next, we define the input string, in this case, "Hello, Base58!"
  • The Base58 encoding is performed using Base58::encode($inputString).
  • Finally, the encoded string is echoed, providing the result.


Method 1 Output: StV1DL6CwTryKyV

Method 2: Manual Base58 Encoding

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, we can implement Base58 encoding manually. This method involves creating a custom function to perform the encoding.

// Sample string to encode
$inputString = "Hello, Base58!";

// Using the custom Base58 encode function
$encodedString = customBase58Encode($inputString);

// Output the result
echo "Method 2 Output: $encodedString";

// Custom Base58 encode function
function customBase58Encode($input) {
    $alphabet = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    $base = strlen($alphabet);
    $encoded = "";
    $value = 0;
    // Convert the input string to a decimal number
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($input); $i++) {
        $value = $value * 256 + ord($input[$i]);
    // Convert the decimal number to Base58
    while ($value > 0) {
        $digit = $value % $base;
        $value = floor($value / $base);
        $encoded = $alphabet[$digit] . $encoded;
    return $encoded;
  • We define the input string as before.
  • The customBase58Encode function takes care of the encoding process. It converts the input string to a decimal number and then converts that decimal number to a Base58 representation.
  • The result is echoed, providing the Base58-encoded string.


Method 2 Output: StV1DL6CwTryKyV

Method 3: Using the bcmath Extension

If you prefer to avoid external libraries and want a purely PHP solution, you can use the bcmath extension for arbitrary precision mathematics. This method involves converting between base-256 and base-58 directly.

// Sample string to encode
$inputString = "Hello, Base58!";

// Using the bcmath extension for Base58 encoding
$encodedString = bchexdec(bin2hex($inputString));

// Output the result
echo "Method 3 Output: $encodedString";
  • We begin by defining the input string.
  • The bin2hex function converts the input string to a hexadecimal representation.
  • bchexdec then converts the hexadecimal representation to a decimal number using the bcmath extension.
  • The result is echoed, providing the Base58-encoded string.


Method 3 Output: 174bBk1st1S3pTc


In this blog, we have learned three different methods to encode a string into Base58 format using PHP. The first method used an external library, the second method implemented a custom encoding function, and the third method utilized the bcmath extension for direct conversion.

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