Sai A Sai A
Updated date Jul 31, 2023
In this blog, we explore multiple effective methods to convert multiline strings into lists of lines using Python. We will explore straightforward approaches like str.splitlines() and str.split() as well as more advanced techniques like using io.StringIO and the powerful re module.


In this blog, we will explore multiple methods to accomplish this task efficiently. We will explore each technique, and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

Method 1: Using str.splitlines() method

The most straightforward approach to convert a multiline string into a list of lines is by using Python's built-in str.splitlines() method. This method automatically splits the input string at newline characters ('\n') and returns a list containing each line.

def convert_to_list_method1(input_string):
    lines_list = input_string.splitlines()
    return lines_list

# Example usage:
multiline_string = "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4"
output_method1 = convert_to_list_method1(multiline_string)


['Line 1', 'Line 2', 'Line 3', 'Line 4']

Method 2: Using str.split() method

Another way to achieve the conversion is by employing the str.split() method and specifying the newline character '\n' as the delimiter. This method will split the string at each occurrence of '\n', effectively producing the desired list of lines.

def convert_to_list_method2(input_string):
    lines_list = input_string.split('\n')
    return lines_list

# Example usage:
multiline_string = "Hello\nWorld\nPython\nProgramming"
output_method2 = convert_to_list_method2(multiline_string)


['Hello', 'World', 'Python', 'Programming']

Method 3: Using io.StringIO and readlines() method

A more sophisticated approach involves using the io.StringIO class, which allows us to treat the string as a file-like object. We can combine this with the readlines() method to obtain the list of lines.

import io

def convert_to_list_method3(input_string):
    string_io = io.StringIO(input_string)
    lines_list = string_io.readlines()
    return lines_list

# Example usage:
multiline_string = "Apples\nBananas\nGrapes\nOranges"
output_method3 = convert_to_list_method3(multiline_string)


['Apples', 'Bananas', 'Grapes', 'Oranges']

Method 4: Using Regular Expression (re) module

For more advanced scenarios, the re module in Python enables us to work with regular expressions. We can utilize this to split the multiline string into a list of lines.

import re

def convert_to_list_method4(input_string):
    lines_list = re.split(r'\n', input_string)
    return lines_list

# Example usage:
multiline_string = "Red\nGreen\nBlue\nYellow"
output_method4 = convert_to_list_method4(multiline_string)


['Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Yellow']

Method 5: Manually Splitting the String

Lastly, we can manually split the multiline string by iterating through it and detecting newline characters. This method offers more control over the splitting process and can be useful in specific scenarios.

def convert_to_list_method5(input_string):
    lines_list = []
    current_line = ""
    for char in input_string:
        if char != '\n':
            current_line += char
            current_line = ""
    if current_line:
    return lines_list

# Example usage:
multiline_string = "Line A\nLine B\nLine C\nLine D"
output_method5 = convert_to_list_method5(multiline_string)


['Line A', 'Line B', 'Line C', 'Line D']


In this blog, we explored five different methods to convert a multiline string into a list of lines in Python. We started with simple and concise approaches like str.splitlines() and str.split(), which offers convenience for most use cases. Next, we saw how to utilize io.StringIO along with readlines() for situations involving larger strings and file-like operations. For more advanced scenarios and complex patterns, we explored the power of regular expressions with re.split().

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