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Updated date Jul 23, 2023
In this blog, we will explore multiple methods for converting strings to HTML entities in Python. It provides step-by-step explanations and code examples for each method, along with their corresponding outputs.


When working with web development or handling user-generated content, it's crucial to ensure the safety and integrity of the data. One common requirement is converting strings to HTML entities to prevent potential security vulnerabilities or unintended rendering issues. In this blog post, we will explore various methods to achieve this in Python. We will discuss the importance of HTML entity encoding, provide step-by-step explanations of multiple approaches.

Method 1: Using the html module

Python's standard library provides the html module, which includes the escape() function. This method escapes special characters to their corresponding HTML entities. We can use it as follows:

import html

input_string = "Hello <World>!"
encoded_string = html.escape(input_string)


Hello &lt;World&gt;!

Method 2: Custom Replacement with str.replace()

An alternative approach is to manually replace each special character with its HTML entity counterpart using the str.replace() method. This method allows more control over the replacement process and is useful when dealing with specific character conversions. Here's an example:

input_string = "Hello <World>!"
special_chars = {
    '<': '&lt;',
    '>': '&gt;',
    '&': '&amp;',
    '"': '&quot;',
    "'": '&#39;'

encoded_string = ''.join(special_chars.get(c, c) for c in input_string)


Hello &lt;World&gt;!

Method 3: Utilizing the cgi module

The cgi module provides the escape() function, which performs similar functionality to the html module. It converts characters to their HTML entity equivalents. Here's an example:

import cgi

input_string = "Hello <World>!"
encoded_string = cgi.escape(input_string)


Hello &lt;World&gt;!

Method 4: Using MarkupSafe Library

MarkupSafe is a third-party library that provides utilities for escaping strings for use in HTML or XML contexts. It offers the escape() function, which converts special characters to their corresponding HTML entities. To use this method, you need to install the markupsafe package. Here's an example:

from markupsafe import escape

input_string = "Hello <World>!"
encoded_string = escape(input_string)


Hello &lt;World&gt;!


In this blog post, we explored various methods for converting a string to HTML entities in Python. We discussed the importance of HTML entity encoding and demonstrated four different approaches to accomplish this task. We covered Python's built-in html and cgi modules, as well as the str.replace() method and the third-party library MarkupSafe

Ensuring the security and correctness of data displayed on web pages is crucial to safeguard against potential vulnerabilities. By employing the techniques discussed in this blog, you can confidently handle user-generated content and prevent issues like cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks or incorrect rendering.

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