Sai A Sai A
Updated date Jan 09, 2024
In this blog, we will learn how to convert images into CSV files using Python with three different methods. Explore the power of PIL, OpenCV, and scikit-image to make image data accessible for analysis and machine learning.


Working with image data is a common task in data science and machine learning. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to convert images into a more structured format like CSV (Comma-Separated Values) for various purposes such as data analysis and model training. In this blog, we will explore different methods to convert an image to CSV using Python

Method 1: Using the Python Imaging Library (PIL)

The Python Imaging Library, commonly known as PIL or its successor Pillow, provides a straightforward way to manipulate images in Python. To convert an image to CSV using this library, we can follow these steps:

Install Pillow:

pip install Pillow
from PIL import Image
import csv

# Open the image file
image_path = "path/to/your/image.jpg"
img =

# Convert the image to grayscale
img_gray = img.convert("L")

# Get pixel values as a list
pixel_values = list(img_gray.getdata())

# Reshape the list into a 2D array
width, height = img_gray.size
pixel_matrix = [pixel_values[i:i+width] for i in range(0, len(pixel_values), width)]

# Write the pixel values to a CSV file
csv_path = "output_image.csv"
with open(csv_path, mode='w', newline='') as file:
    writer = csv.writer(file)

print(f"CSV file saved at: {csv_path}")


The output of this method will be a CSV file containing the pixel values of the grayscale image.

Method 2: Using OpenCV and NumPy

OpenCV is a powerful computer vision library, and NumPy is a fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. Combining these two libraries provides an efficient way to work with image data. Let's see how to use them to convert an image to CSV.

Install OpenCV and NumPy:

pip install opencv-python numpy
import cv2
import numpy as np
import csv

# Read the image
image_path = "path/to/your/image.jpg"
img = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

# Get pixel values as a NumPy array
pixel_values = np.asarray(img)

# Write the pixel values to a CSV file
csv_path = "output_image_opencv.csv"
with open(csv_path, mode='w', newline='') as file:
    writer = csv.writer(file)

print(f"CSV file saved at: {csv_path}")


The output will be a CSV file containing the pixel values of the grayscale image using OpenCV and NumPy.

Method 3: Using scikit-image

Scikit-image is a collection of algorithms for image processing. It provides a simple and efficient way to perform various image-related tasks.

Install scikit-image:

pip install scikit-image
from skimage import io, color
import csv

# Read the image
image_path = "path/to/your/image.jpg"
img = io.imread(image_path)

# Convert the image to grayscale
img_gray = color.rgb2gray(img)

# Get pixel values as a 2D array
pixel_matrix = (img_gray * 255).astype(np.uint8)

# Write the pixel values to a CSV file
csv_path = "output_image_scikit.csv"
with open(csv_path, mode='w', newline='') as file:
    writer = csv.writer(file)

print(f"CSV file saved at: {csv_path}")


The output will be a CSV file containing the pixel values of the grayscale image using scikit-image.


In this blog, we have explored three different methods to convert an image to CSV using Python. The first method uses the Python Imaging Library (PIL) or Pillow, the second method utilizes OpenCV and NumPy, and the third method uses scikit-image.

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