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Updated date Apr 05, 2024
In this blog, we will learn how to convert DateTime objects to strings in C# using various methods, including ToString() with format strings, custom format strings, standard format strings, CultureInfo for localization, and string interpolation.

How to Convert DateTime to Strings in C#?

Working with dates and times is a common task in software development, and C# provides a rich set of functionalities to manipulate and format date and time values. In this blog, we will explore different methods to achieve this in C# and understand the pros and cons of each approach.

Method 1: Using the ToString() Method

This method allows you to format the DateTime value using a format string, which specifies how the date and time components should be represented in the output string. For example, you can use the following code:

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
string dateString = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");


2023-04-26 10:30:45

In the above code, we use the ToString() method with a format string "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" to convert the current DateTime value to a string. The format string specifies that the year should be represented by four digits (yyyy), the month by two digits (MM), the day by two digits (dd), the hour by two digits in 24-hour format (HH), the minute by two digits (mm), and the second by two digits (ss).

Method 2: Using Custom Format Strings

In addition to the standard format strings provided by the ToString() method, C# allows you to define custom format strings to represent DateTime values in a more flexible way. Custom format strings consist of format specifiers enclosed in curly braces {}

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
string dateString = now.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy 'at' HH:mm:ss");


April 26, 2023 at 10:30:45

In the above code, we use a custom format string to specify the desired output format. The format string "MMMM dd, yyyy 'at' HH:mm:ss" specifies that the month should be represented by the full month name (MMMM), the day by two digits (dd), the year by four digits (yyyy), the string "at" as a literal string, the hour by two digits in 24-hour format (HH), the minute by two digits (mm), and the second by two digits (ss).

Method 3: Using Standard Format Strings

C# provides a set of standard format strings that can be used to represent DateTime values in commonly used formats without specifying custom format strings. 

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
string dateString = now.ToString("F");


Wednesday, April 26, 2023 10:30:45 AM

In the above code, we use the standard format string "F" to represent the DateTime value in the long date and long time format, which includes the day of the week, the full month name, the day of the month, the year, and the time in 12-hour format with AM/PM indicator.

Method 4: Using CultureInfo for Localization

In some cases, you may need to convert DateTime values to strings in different cultures or locales to display them correctly for users from different regions. C# allows you to specify the desired culture or locale using the CultureInfo class.

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
CultureInfo culture = new
CultureInfo("fr-FR"); // French (France)
string dateString = now.ToString("F", culture);


mercredi 26 avril 2023 10:30:45

In the above code, we create a CultureInfo object for the French (France) culture and pass it as an argument to the ToString() method. This will format the DateTime value according to the French culture's date and time conventions, resulting in a string with French month and day names.

Method 5: Using String Interpolation

String interpolation is a feature introduced in C# 6 that allows you to embed expressions directly in string literals. You can use string interpolation to easily convert DateTime values to strings without explicitly calling the ToString() method.

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
string dateString = $"{now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}";


2023-04-26 10:30:45

In the above code, we use string interpolation with the $"..." syntax to embed the DateTime value directly in the string literal. We can include format specifiers inside the curly braces {} to specify the desired output format.

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