Sai A Sai A
Updated date Jul 28, 2023
This blog explains the complexities involved in converting double to int in C# and provides insights into two different approaches to achieve precise results. We highlight the importance of the double and int data types, as well as the challenges that arise during their conversion. Method 1 involves explicit type casting, while Method 2 utilizes the Math.Round() function to accomplish the task accurately.


In C#, data type conversions are a common task that developers encounter regularly. One such conversion involves converting a double data type to an int data type. However, this seemingly straightforward operation can pose challenges due to the inherent differences between these two types.

The double data type in C# represents floating-point numbers with double precision, allowing for fractional values. On the other hand, the int data type is used for storing whole numbers, without any fractional component. Consequently, converting from double to int can lead to data loss, as the fractional part of the double may be truncated during the conversion. In this blog, we will explore two methods for converting double to int in C# and analyze their strengths and limitations.

Method 1: Using Explicit Type Casting

The first method involves converting a double to an int using explicit type casting. The code for this method is as follows:

using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        double doubleValue = 10.75;
        int intValue = (int)doubleValue;

        Console.WriteLine("Method 1: Using Explicit Type Casting");
        Console.WriteLine($"Original Double Value: {doubleValue}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Converted Integer Value: {intValue}");


Method 1: Using Explicit Type Casting
Original Double Value: 10.75
Converted Integer Value: 10

In this method, we directly cast the doubleValue to an int, which essentially truncates the fractional part. For example, when the doubleValue is 10.75, the intValue becomes 10.

Method 2: Using Math.Round()

The second method involves converting a double to an int using the Math.Round() method. Let's see the code for this method:

using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        double doubleValue = 10.75;
        int intValue = (int)Math.Round(doubleValue);

        Console.WriteLine("Method 2: Using Math.Round()");
        Console.WriteLine($"Original Double Value: {doubleValue}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Converted Integer Value: {intValue}");


Method 2: Using Math.Round()
Original Double Value: 10.75
Converted Integer Value: 11

Here, we use the Math.Round() method to round the doubleValue to the nearest integer. As a result, 10.75 is rounded up to 11, and that value is assigned to the intValue.


In this blog, we explored two methods for converting double to int in C#. We discussed the use of explicit type casting and the Math.Round() method, and we presented a C# program to demonstrate their functionalities.

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