Sai A Sai A
Updated date Apr 13, 2024
This blog provides different methods to convert doubles to strings in C#, including the ToString() method, String.Format() method, string interpolation, and the Convert class.
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Method 1: Using the ToString() Method

The first method to convert doubles to strings in C# is to use the ToString() method. This method is a built-in method in the double data type, and it returns a string representation of the double value.

double myDouble = 3.14;
string myString = myDouble.ToString();
Console.WriteLine("My Double: {0}", myDouble);
Console.WriteLine("My String: {0}", myString);


My Double: 3.14
My String: 3.14

In this example, we create a double variable called myDouble with a value of 3.14. We then use the ToString() method to convert the double value to a string representation and store the result in a string variable called myString. Finally, we print both the double and string variables to the console.

Method 2: Using the String.Format() Method

To convert doubles to strings in C# is to use the String.Format() method. This method is useful when you want to format the string representation of the double value. For example, you may want to display the double value with a specific number of decimal places.

double myDouble = 3.14159265358979323846;
string myString = String.Format("{0:0.00}", myDouble);
Console.WriteLine("My Double: {0}", myDouble);
Console.WriteLine("My String: {0}", myString);


My Double: 3.141592653589793
My String: 3.14

In this example, we create a double variable called myDouble with a value of pi. We then use the String.Format() method to format the string representation of the double value to two decimal places and store the result in a string variable called myString. Finally, we print both the double and string variables to the console.

Method 3: Using the String Interpolation

To convert doubles to strings in C# is to use string interpolation. String interpolation is a feature in C# 6.0 and later versions that allows you to embed expressions in string literals.

double myDouble = 3.14;
string myString = $"{myDouble}";
Console.WriteLine("My Double: {0}", myDouble);
Console.WriteLine("My String: {0}", myString);


My Double: 3.14
My String: 3.14

In this example, we create a double variable called myDouble with a value of 3.14. We then use string interpolation to embed the double variable in a string literal and store the result in a string variable called myString. Finally, we print both the double and string variables to the console.

Method 4: Using the Convert Class

To convert doubles to strings in C#, use the Convert class. The Convert class provides methods to convert data types to other data types.

double myDouble = 3.14;
string myString = Convert.ToString(myDouble);
Console.WriteLine("My Double: {0}", myDouble);
Console.WriteLine("My String: {0}", myString);


My Double: 3.14
My String: 3.14

In this example, we create a double variable called myDouble with a value of 3.14. We then use the Convert.ToString() method to convert the double value to a string representation and store the result in a string variable called myString. Finally, we print both the double and string variables to the console.

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