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Updated date Jul 11, 2023
In this blog, we will provide a complete guide on converting Java objects to YAML format, an essential skill for modern software developers. It explores multiple methods, including using the popular Jackson Library and the powerful SnakeYAML library.
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In modern software development, the ability to convert Java objects to YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is essential for data serialization and storage. YAML is a human-readable data format that is widely used for configuration files and data exchange between different programming languages. In this blog, we will explore various methods to convert Java objects to YAML, along with code examples, explanations, and output.

Method 1: Using Jackson Library

The Jackson library provides a convenient way to convert Java objects to YAML format. It is a popular JSON library that also supports YAML serialization. To use Jackson for YAML conversion, you need to include the jackson-databind and jackson-dataformat-yaml dependencies in your project. Here's an example of how to convert a Java object to YAML using Jackson:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory;

public class JacksonYamlConverter {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Create the object to be converted
        MyObject myObject = new MyObject("John Doe", 25);

        // Create the ObjectMapper with YAMLFactory
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory());

        // Convert object to YAML
        String yamlString = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(myObject);

        // Print the YAML output


name: "John Doe"
age: 25

In this method, we first create an instance of the Java object MyObject and populate it with data. Then, we create an ObjectMapper with a YAMLFactory, which configures the ObjectMapper to produce YAML output. Finally, we call the writeValueAsString() method on the ObjectMapper to convert the Java object to YAML string representation.

Method 2: Using SnakeYAML Library

SnakeYAML is a powerful and feature-rich YAML library for Java. It provides a straightforward way to convert Java objects to YAML format. To use SnakeYAML, you need to include the snakeyaml dependency in your project. Here's an example of how to use SnakeYAML for Java object to YAML conversion:

import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;

public class SnakeYamlConverter {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create the object to be converted
        MyObject myObject = new MyObject("John Doe", 25);

        // Create the YAML instance
        Yaml yaml = new Yaml();

        // Convert object to YAML
        String yamlString = yaml.dump(myObject);

        // Print the YAML output


name: John Doe
age: 25

In this method, we create an instance of the Java object MyObject and populate it with data. Then, we create a Yaml instance using the SnakeYAML library. The dump() method of the Yaml class is used to convert the Java object to YAML string representation. The output includes the class name as a tag, followed by the object properties in YAML format.


Converting Java objects to YAML format is a common requirement in modern software development. In this blog, we explored different methods to accomplish this task, including using the Jackson library,  and the SnakeYAML library. By following the examples provided, you can easily convert Java objects to YAML and utilize this powerful data format in your applications.

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