Sai A Sai A
Updated date May 01, 2023
This blog provides a guide of converting a string to a TimeSpan in C#. It covers different methods, such as Parse(), ParseExact(), DateTime.ParseExact(), and TryParse(), with code examples and explanations.
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When it comes to working with time-related data, the .NET framework provides the TimeSpan structure to represent a time interval. A TimeSpan represents a duration or elapsed time and can be used to perform arithmetic operations on time values. In this blog, we will discuss different ways to convert a string to a TimeSpan in C#. We will provide code examples and explanations for each method.

Method 1: Using the TimeSpan.Parse() method

The first and simplest way to convert a string to a TimeSpan is by using the TimeSpan.Parse() method. This method takes a string as input and returns a TimeSpan object. Here is an example:

string timeString = "02:30:00";
TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.Parse(timeString);



The Parse() method parses the input string and converts it into a TimeSpan object. The output is displayed using the Console.WriteLine() method.

Method 2: Using the TimeSpan.ParseExact() method

The TimeSpan.ParseExact() method is similar to the Parse() method, but it allows you to specify the exact format of the input string. This is useful if the input string does not conform to a standard format. Here is an example:

string timeString = "02:30:00 PM";
string format = "hh:mm:ss tt";
TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.ParseExact(timeString, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);



The ParseExact() method takes two additional arguments: the format string and the culture info. The format string specifies the exact format of the input string. In this case, we used "hh:mm:ss tt" to specify that the input string has hours, minutes, seconds, and a.m./p.m. designator. The culture info specifies the culture-specific format settings. In this case, we used CultureInfo.InvariantCulture to specify the format for the invariant culture.

Method 3: Using the DateTime.ParseExact() method

Another way to convert a string to a TimeSpan is by using the DateTime.ParseExact() method. This method parses a string and returns a DateTime object. We can then use the TimeSpan properties of the DateTime object to get the time interval. Here is an example:

string timeString = "02:30:00 PM";
string format = "hh:mm:ss tt";
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(timeString, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
TimeSpan timeSpan = dateTime.TimeOfDay;



The ParseExact() method is used to parse the input string and return a DateTime object. The TimeOfDay property of the DateTime object is then used to get the time interval as a TimeSpan object.

Method 4: Using the TimeSpan.TryParse() method

The TimeSpan.TryParse() method is similar to the Parse() method, but it returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the parsing was successful or not. This is useful if you want to handle parsing errors gracefully. Here is an example:

string timeString = "02:30:00 PM";
TimeSpan timeSpan;
bool success = TimeSpan.TryParse(timeString, out timeSpan);
if (success)
    Console.WriteLine("Invalid time format.");



The TryParse() method attempts to parse the input string and returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the parsing was successful or not. If the parsing was successful, the output is displayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.


In this blog, we discussed different ways to convert a string to a TimeSpan in C#. We covered the Parse(), ParseExact(), DateTime.ParseExact(), and TryParse() methods. The Parse() method is the simplest and most commonly used method for converting a string to a TimeSpan. The ParseExact() and DateTime.ParseExact() methods allow you to specify the exact format of the input string, which is useful if the input string does not conform to a standard format. The TryParse() method is useful if you want to handle parsing errors gracefully.

When working with time-related data, it is important to ensure that the input string is in the correct format. Otherwise, the parsing may fail or produce unexpected results. It is also important to consider the culture-specific format settings, especially when working with international data.

In conclusion, TimeSpan provides a simple and powerful way to represent a duration or elapsed time. By using the different methods discussed in this blog, you can easily convert a string to a TimeSpan in C#.

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