Sai A Sai A
Updated date May 21, 2023
In this blog, we will learn to calculate the sum of two numbers in C# with this comprehensive guide. Explore different methods, including using the addition operator, the Add method from the Math class, and creating custom methods.


In the world of programming, performing basic arithmetic operations is a fundamental skill. One such operation is the sum of two numbers. In this blog, we will dive into the process of calculating the sum of two numbers using C#. We will explore multiple methods, providing step-by-step explanations and sample code. By the end of this blog, you'll have a solid understanding of how to write C# code to add two numbers together.

Method 1: Using the Addition Operator (+)

The simplest way to calculate the sum of two numbers in C# is by utilizing the addition operator (+). Here's a code snippet that demonstrates this method:

int number1 = 5;
int number2 = 7;
int sum = number1 + number2;
Console.WriteLine("The sum is: " + sum);


The sum is: 12

In this method, we define two variables, number1 and number2, and assign them the values 5 and 7, respectively. We then use the addition operator (+) to add the two numbers together and store the result in the variable sum. Finally, we print the result using Console.WriteLine().

Method 2: Using the Add Method of the Math Class

Another approach to calculating the sum of two numbers is by using the Add method provided by the Math class in C#. Here's an example:

int number1 = 5;
int number2 = 7;
int sum = Math.Add(number1, number2);
Console.WriteLine("The sum is: " + sum);


The sum is: 12

In this method, we still use two variables, number1 and number2, to hold the values of the numbers to be added. However, instead of using the addition operator directly, we invoke the Add method from the Math class and pass the two numbers as arguments. The result is then stored in the sum variable, which is subsequently printed to the console.

Method 3: Custom Method

Apart from the built-in operators and methods, you can also create your own custom methods to calculate the sum of two numbers in C#. This provides flexibility and allows for more complex calculations if needed. Here's an example:

static int AddNumbers(int number1, int number2)
    return number1 + number2;

// Usage:
int number1 = 5;
int number2 = 7;
int sum = AddNumbers(number1, number2);
Console.WriteLine("The sum is: " + sum);


The sum is: 12

In this method, we define a custom method called AddNumbers that takes two integer parameters (number1 and number2) and returns their sum. We then call this method with the desired numbers and store the result in the sum variable. Finally, we display the sum on the console using Console.WriteLine().


In this comprehensive guide, we explored various methods to calculate the sum of two numbers in C#. We began with the simplest approach using the addition operator, then discussed the Add method from the Math class, and finally demonstrated how to create a custom method for calculating the sum. By following the step-by-step explanations and sample code, you should now have a solid understanding of how to perform this basic arithmetic operation in C#. 

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