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Updated date Jun 05, 2023
In this blog, we will learn to effectively format dates in JavaScript with this comprehensive guide. Discover various methods, including built-in functions and external libraries, to format dates according to your specific requirements.


In JavaScript, working with dates is a common task for many web developers. However, formatting dates to match specific requirements can be challenging. In this blog post, we will explore various methods to format dates in JavaScript, providing examples and explanations along the way. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of how to manipulate and display dates according to your needs.

Method 1: Using the toLocaleDateString() Method

JavaScript provides a built-in method called toLocaleDateString() that allows you to format a date according to the user's locale. It automatically adjusts the date format based on the user's location, providing a localized representation of the date. Here's an example:

const date = new Date();
const formattedDate = date.toLocaleDateString();


The output of the above code snippet will vary based on the user's locale. For example, if the user's locale is set to "en-US," the output might be "5/30/2023." If the locale is "en-GB," the output could be "30/05/2023."

The toLocaleDateString() method retrieves the date portion of the Date object and converts it to a string using the locale-specific format. It takes optional parameters for specifying the locale and customizing the format further.

Method 2: Using the toLocaleString() Method

Another useful method for formatting dates in JavaScript is toLocaleString(). This method allows you to format both the date and time according to the user's locale. Here's an example:

const date = new Date();
const formattedDateTime = date.toLocaleString();


The output will vary based on the user's locale. For instance, it could be "5/30/2023, 12:34:56 PM" in the "en-US" locale, or "30/05/2023, 12:34:56" in the "en-GB" locale.

The toLocaleString() method combines the date and time portions of the Date object and converts them to a string using the locale-specific format. Like toLocaleDateString(), it also accepts optional parameters for specifying the locale and further customizing the format.

Method 3: Using External Libraries (e.g., moment.js)

While JavaScript provides built-in methods for date formatting, they might not cover all use cases. In such scenarios, you can leverage external libraries like Moment.js. Moment.js offers a wide range of formatting options and simplifies complex date operations. Here's an example:

const date = new Date();
const formattedDate = moment(date).format('YYYY-MM-DD');


The output will be in the specified format, such as "2023-05-30."

In this example, we use Moment.js to format the date according to a specific pattern. The format() function accepts a string parameter that defines the desired format, using tokens such as "YYYY" for the year, "MM" for the month, and "DD" for the day.


Formatting dates is an essential skill for JavaScript developers, allowing them to present dates in a human-readable format based on specific requirements. In this blog post, we explored three different methods for formatting dates in JavaScript.

We started with the built-in toLocaleDateString() method, which provides localized date formatting based on the user's locale. Then, we introduced the toLocaleString() method, which allows formatting both the date and time components. Finally, we discussed the option of using external libraries like Moment.js for more advanced date formatting needs.

By leveraging these methods, developers can ensure their applications present dates in a user-friendly manner, respecting cultural and regional conventions. Whether you're working on a simple web page or a complex web application, having the ability to format dates effectively will undoubtedly enhance the overall user experience.

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