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Updated date Jun 19, 2023
In this blog, we will learn how to remove whitespace from strings in JavaScript with this comprehensive guide. Explore various methods, including regular expressions, the split() and join() functions, and the replace() function with space characters.


Whitespace can often clutter up strings in JavaScript, making them harder to manipulate and analyze. Removing whitespace from a string is a common requirement in many programming tasks, ranging from data processing to input validation. In this blog, we will explore different methods to remove whitespace from a string in JavaScript. We will provide detailed explanations of each method, along with code examples and output. By the end of this guide, you will have a solid understanding of various techniques to tackle whitespace removal, enabling you to choose the most suitable approach for your specific needs.

Method 1: Using Regular Expressions

One of the most versatile and powerful ways to remove whitespace from a string is by using regular expressions. JavaScript provides the replace() function, which can accept a regular expression as its first parameter and replace all matches with a specified value.

function removeWhitespaceRegex(str) {
  return str.replace(/\s/g, '');


const input = 'Hello  World!';
// Output: "HelloWorld!"

 In the above code, the regular expression /\s/g matches all whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, and newlines) in the input string. By passing an empty string as the second parameter to replace(), we effectively remove all whitespace matches.

Method 2: Using the split() and join() Functions

Another approach to removing whitespace from a string is by utilizing the split() and join() functions. The split() function splits a string into an array of substrings based on a specified separator, and the join() function combines the elements of an array into a single string, using a specified separator.

function removeWhitespaceSplitJoin(str) {
  return str.split(' ').join('');


const input = 'Hello  World!';
// Output: "HelloWorld!"

In this method, we split the input string at every whitespace character using the space (' ') as the separator. Then, we join the resulting array elements together with an empty string as the separator, effectively removing all whitespace.

Method 3: Using the replace() Function with a Space Character

If the whitespace characters in your string are only spaces, you can simplify the process by using the replace() function with a space character as the first parameter.

function removeWhitespaceSpaces(str) {
  return str.replace(/ /g, '');


const input = 'Hello  World!';
// Output: "HelloWorld!"

In this method, we use the regular expression / /g to match only space characters in the input string. By replacing them with an empty string, we effectively remove all spaces.


In this blog, we explored several methods to remove whitespace from a string in JavaScript. We discussed using regular expressions, the split() and join() functions, and the replace() function with space characters. Each method has its own advantages and considerations, depending on the requirements of your specific use case. By understanding these techniques, you now have the knowledge to effectively handle whitespace removal in your JavaScript applications. Choose the method that suits your needs best and enjoy cleaner, more manageable strings in your code.

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