TechieClues TechieClues
Updated date Jan 17, 2024
The Asp.Net Web API Interview Questions and Answers a range of Asp.Net Web API-related topics, including concepts such as action filters, message handlers, and content negotiation, as well as differences between various terms like a singleton and a transient dependency, primary and foreign keys, HTTP requests and responses, and a lot more.
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1. What is ASP.NET Web API?

ASP.NET Web API is a framework that is used to build HTTP services that can be consumed by various clients. It is a lightweight framework that is used to build RESTful services and provides a lot of flexibility to developers.

2. What is RESTful Web API?

RESTful Web API is an architectural style that is used to build web services. It is based on the HTTP protocol and uses HTTP methods to perform various operations. RESTful services are stateless, which means that each request is independent of the previous request.

3. What are the advantages of using ASP.NET Web API?

ASP.NET Web API has several advantages such as it provides better support for HTTP protocol, it is lightweight and easy to use, it is highly customizable and extensible, it supports a wide range of media types, it is built on top of ASP.NET framework, and it provides excellent support for unit testing.

4. What is the difference between ASP.NET Web API and ASP.NET MVC?

ASP.NET Web API is used to build HTTP services that can be consumed by various clients, while ASP.NET MVC is used to build web applications. ASP.NET Web API is focused on the HTTP protocol, while ASP.NET MVC is focused on building web applications that use the HTTP protocol.

5. What is the difference between GET and POST in HTTP protocol?

The GET method is used to retrieve data from the server, while the POST method is used to send data to the server. The GET method is used for safe and idempotent operations, while the POST method is used for non-idempotent operations.

6. What is the difference between PUT and PATCH in HTTP protocol?

The PUT method is used to update an entire resource, while the PATCH method is used to update a part of a resource. The PUT method is idempotent, while the PATCH method is not idempotent.

7. What is the difference between WCF and Web API?

WCF is a framework that is used to build distributed systems, while Web API is a framework that is used to build HTTP services. WCF is focused on building SOAP-based services, while Web API is focused on building RESTful services.

8. What is JSON?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight data format that is used to exchange data between various clients and servers. JSON data is represented as key-value pairs.

9. What is XML?

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. It is a markup language that is used to store and exchange data. XML data is represented as tags and attributes.

10. What is the difference between JSON and XML?

JSON is a lightweight data format that is easy to read and write, while XML is a markup language that is more verbose. JSON data is represented as key-value pairs, while XML data is represented as tags and attributes. JSON is usually faster than XML.

11. What is content negotiation?

Content negotiation is a process that is used to select the best representation of a resource based on the client's preferences. It allows clients to specify the media type they prefer, and the server responds with the best representation that it can provide.

12. What is the media type in Web API?

The media type is a string that represents the format of data that is exchanged between the client and server. It is represented as a combination of a type and a subtype, separated by a slash. For example, application/json is a media type that represents JSON data.

13. What is HTTP status code?

HTTP status code is a three-digit code that is returned by the server to indicate the status of the HTTP request. It is used to indicate whether the request was successful or not, and if it was not successful, it provides information about the reason for the failure.

14. What is CORS?

CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It is a mechanism that is used by web browsers to allow cross-domain requests. CORS is used to restrict the resources that a web page can access from another domain. It is a security feature that is built into modern web browsers.

15. What is authentication in Web API?

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user. In Web API, authentication is used to restrict access to certain resources based on the user's identity. Web API supports several authentication mechanisms such as Basic authentication, OAuth, and JWT.

16. What is Basic authentication?

Basic authentication is a simple authentication mechanism that is used to authenticate users based on a username and password. It is a widely used authentication mechanism, but it is not very secure as the username and password are sent in plain text.

17. What is OAuth?

OAuth is an open standard that is used to provide access to protected resources. It is a widely used authentication mechanism that is used by many popular services such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

18. What is JWT?

JWT stands for JSON Web Token. It is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. JWT is used to authenticate and authorize users in Web API.

19. What is middleware in Web API?

Middleware is a software component that is used to handle requests and responses in Web API. It is a pipeline of components that process requests and responses. Middleware can be used to perform various tasks such as logging, authentication, and caching.

20. What is routing in Web API?

Routing is the process of matching incoming HTTP requests with a specific action in a Web API controller. It is used to map incoming requests to specific actions based on the URL pattern.

21. What is attribute routing in Web API?

Attribute routing is a routing mechanism that is used to define the routing rules using attributes. It is a more flexible routing mechanism that allows developers to define the routing rules directly in the controller.

22. What is model binding in Web API?

Model binding is the process of mapping HTTP request data to a model in Web API. It is used to convert incoming request data into a format that can be easily processed by the Web API controller.

23. What is content negotiation in Web API?

Content negotiation is the process of selecting the best representation of a resource based on the client's preferences. It allows clients to specify the media type they prefer, and the server responds with the best representation that it can provide.

24. What is an action filter in Web API?

An action filter is a software component that is used to intercept HTTP requests and responses in Web API. It is used to perform various tasks such as authentication, logging, and caching.

25. What is dependency injection in Web API?

Dependency injection is a design pattern that is used to manage dependencies in a software application. It is a way of decoupling the components of an application and making them easier to test.

26. What is an inversion of control in Web API?

Inversion of control is a design pattern that is used to decouple the components of a software application. It is a way of designing software that makes it easier to test and maintain.

27. What is versioning in Web API?

Versioning is the process of managing changes to the API over time. It is used to ensure that clients can continue to use the API even if changes are made to it.

28. What is caching in Web API?

Caching is the process of storing frequently used data in memory to reduce the number of requests to the server. It is used to improve the performance of the Web API.

29. What is a unit test in Web API?

A unit test is a test that is used to test a single unit of code in a Web API application. It is used to ensure that the code is working correctly and to detect any bugs or issues.

30. What is integration testing in Web API?

Integration testing is a type of testing that is used to test the interactions between different components of a Web API application. It is used to ensure that the components are working correctly together.

31. What is load testing in Web API?

Load testing is the process of testing a Web API application under a heavy load to ensure that it can handle the expected traffic. It is used to determine the maximum number of requests that the application can handle.

32. What is stress testing in Web API?

Stress testing is a type of load testing that is used to test the Web API application under extreme load conditions. It is used to determine the maximum load that the application can handle before it fails.

33. What is performance testing in Web API?

Performance testing is the process of testing a Web API application to ensure that it meets the performance requirements. It is used to determine the response time and throughput of the application under different load conditions.

34. What is code coverage in Web API?

Code coverage is the percentage of code that is covered by automated tests. It is used to ensure that all the code in the Web API application is tested.

35. What is logging in Web API?

Logging is the process of recording events that occur in the Web API application. It is used to track errors and debug the application.

36. What is tracing in Web API?

Tracing is the process of recording events that occur in the Web API application. It is used to trace the flow of requests through the application and to identify performance issues.

37. What is exception handling in Web API?

Exception handling is the process of handling errors that occur in the Web API application. It is used to catch and handle exceptions that occur during the execution of the code.

38. What is serialization in Web API?

Serialization is the process of converting an object into a format that can be transmitted over the network. It is used to transmit data between the client and server in a Web API application.

39. What is deserialization in Web API?

Deserialization is the process of converting the serialized data back into an object. It is used to receive data from the client in a Web API application.

40. What is the difference between PUT and POST in Web API?

PUT is used to update an existing resource, while POST is used to create a new resource. PUT replaces the entire resource, while POST only updates the specified properties of the resource.

41. What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

HTTP is a protocol used for transmitting data over the internet, while HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP that uses encryption to protect the data being transmitted.

42. What is CORS in Web API?

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is a mechanism that allows resources (e.g. APIs) on a web page to be requested from a different domain than the one that served the web page.

43. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming in Web API?

Synchronous programming is where the code execution blocks until the operation is completed, while asynchronous programming allows the code to continue executing while the operation is being performed in the background.

44. What is the difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable in Web API?

IQueryable is used for building queries that will be executed against a database, while IEnumerable is used for querying in-memory collections.

45. What is Swagger in Web API?

Swagger is a tool that is used to describe and document Web API services. It provides a user-friendly interface for testing and interacting with the API.

46. What is JWT in Web API?

JWT (JSON Web Token) is a standard for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. It is commonly used for authentication and authorization in Web API applications.

47. What is OData in Web API?

OData is a protocol for building and consuming RESTful APIs that provide access to data stored in various types of data stores.

48. What is the role of a Web API controller in the application?

A Web API controller is responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests and generating HTTP responses. It is the entry point into the Web API application.

49. What is the role of a model in Web API?

A model is a class that represents the data that is being transmitted between the client and server in a Web API application.

50. What is the role of a view in Web API?

In a Web API application, the view is responsible for rendering the data that is being returned by the Web API controller. However, in most cases, Web API applications do not use views as they are typically used in traditional MVC applications.

51. What is the difference between REST and SOAP in Web API?

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for building web services, while SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a protocol for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services. REST uses HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for accessing and manipulating resources, while SOAP uses XML for data exchange.

52. What is the difference between Web API and WCF?

Web API is a framework for building HTTP services that can be accessed by a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) is a framework for building service-oriented applications that can be accessed by a variety of transport protocols, including HTTP, TCP, and MSMQ.

53. What is the role of a routing in Web API?

Routing is responsible for mapping incoming requests to the appropriate Web API controller action based on the request URL and HTTP verb.

54. What is the difference between GET and POST in Web API?

GET is used to retrieve data from the server, while POST is used to submit data to the server. GET requests can be cached, while POST requests cannot.

55. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous controller actions in Web API?

Synchronous controller actions block the thread until the operation is completed, while asynchronous controller actions allow the thread to continue executing while the operation is being performed in the background.

56. What is the difference between dependency injection and inversion of control in Web API?

Dependency injection is a pattern for providing dependencies to an object at runtime, while inversion of control is a design principle that dictates that the control of object creation and management should be moved outside of the class that uses them.

57. What is the difference between a unit test and an integration test in Web API?

A unit test is a test that tests a single unit of code (e.g. a single controller action) in isolation, while an integration test is a test that tests the interactions between multiple units of code (e.g. multiple controller actions) in the application.

58. What is the role of middleware in Web API?

Middleware is responsible for handling requests and responses in the Web API application. It can perform tasks such as authentication, logging, and error handling.

59. What is the difference between JSON and XML in Web API?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, while XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a markup language that is designed to store and transport data. JSON is generally more lightweight and easier to parse than XML.

60. What is the difference between authentication and authorization in Web API?

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, while authorization is the process of determining what actions a user is allowed to perform.

61. What is the role of an action filter in Web API?

An action filter is a custom attribute that can be applied to a Web API controller action to modify the way the action is executed or to add additional behavior to the action.

62. What is the role of a message handler in Web API?

A message handler is responsible for processing HTTP requests and responses in the Web API application. It can perform tasks such as authentication, authorization, and logging.

63. What is the role of a formatter in Web API?

A formatter is responsible for converting data between its native format and a format that can be transmitted over the wire (e.g. JSON or XML).

64. What is the difference between a singleton and a transient dependency in Web API?

A singleton dependency is created once and shared across all instances that require it, while a transient dependency is created each time it is required.

65. What is the difference between a 404 error and a 500 error in Web API?

A 404 error is returned when the requested resource is not found, while a 500 error is returned when an internal server error occurs.

66. What is the role of the configuration file in Web API?

The configuration file (web.config) is used to configure various settings in the Web API application, such as connection strings, routing rules, and authentication settings.

67. What is the role of a package manager in Web API?

A package manager is a tool that is used to manage the installation and updating of packages (libraries) that are used in the Web API application.

68. What is the difference between an interface and an abstract class in Web API?

An interface is a contract that defines a set of methods that a class must implement, while an abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated and is used as a base class for other classes. An abstract class can provide default implementations for methods, while an interface cannot.

69. What is the role of a serializer in Web API?

A serializer is responsible for converting data between its native format and a format that can be transmitted over the wire (e.g. JSON or XML).

70. What is the difference between a primary key and a foreign key in Web API?

A primary key is a column or set of columns that uniquely identifies a record in a database table, while a foreign key is a column or set of columns that refer to the primary key of another table.

71. What is the role of a logger in Web API?

A logger is responsible for recording events and messages in the Web API application. It can be used for debugging, monitoring, and auditing purposes.

72. What is the difference between an HTTP request and an HTTP response in Web API?

An HTTP request is a message sent from a client to a server that requests a resource or an action, while an HTTP response is a message sent from a server to a client that contains the requested resource or indicates the success or failure of an action.

73. What is the difference between a nullable type and a non-nullable type in Web API?

A nullable type can have a null value in addition to its normal range of values, while a non-nullable type cannot have a null value.

74. What is the role of a proxy in Web API?

A proxy is an intermediary between a client and a server that can cache responses, handle requests on behalf of the client, or filter requests and responses.

75. What is the role of content negotiation in Web API?

Content negotiation is the process of selecting the appropriate format for data transmission between a client and a server. It can be based on factors such as the client's capabilities, the server's capabilities, and the requested resource.



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