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Updated date Jan 16, 2024
Popular Tableau interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced Tableau developers.

1. What is Tableau?

Tableau is a powerful data visualization and business intelligence tool that allows users to create interactive and visually appealing dashboards, reports, and charts. It is used for analyzing and interpreting large amounts of data and provides a simple and intuitive interface for data visualization.

2. What are the key features of Tableau?

Some of the key features of Tableau are: Drag-and-drop functionality

  • Interactive dashboards and charts
  • Multiple data source integration
  • Collaboration and sharing options
  • Real-time data analytics
  • Advanced analytics and forecasting capabilities
  • Cloud deployment options

3. What is a data source in Tableau?

A data source in Tableau is the location where the data resides. It can be a file, database, web service, or cloud data source. Tableau supports a wide range of data sources, including Excel, CSV, SQL Server, Oracle, Salesforce, and many others.

4. What are the different types of data connections in Tableau?

Tableau provides different types of data connections to connect to various data sources. These include live connections, extract connections, and mixed connections. Live connections allow Tableau to directly query the data source, while extract connections create a subset of the data source for faster performance. Mixed connections combine the benefits of both live and extract connections.

5. What is a dashboard in Tableau?

A dashboard in Tableau is a collection of views, worksheets, and visualizations that allow users to analyze and present data in a concise and interactive way. Dashboards can be customized to meet specific needs and can include filters, parameters, and actions.

6. What is a dimension in Tableau?

A dimension in Tableau is a categorical variable that is used to group, filter, or partition the data. Examples of dimensions include product, region, date, and customer.

7. What is a measure in Tableau?

A measure in Tableau is a quantitative variable that is used to perform mathematical calculations and create visualizations. Examples of measures include sales, profit, and quantity.

8. What is a calculated field in Tableau?

A calculated field in Tableau is a user-defined field that is created using existing fields in the data source. It allows users to perform complex calculations, transformations, and aggregations on the data.

9. What is a parameter in Tableau?

A parameter in Tableau is a user-defined value that can be used to control the behavior of a calculation or visualization. It allows users to create dynamic and interactive dashboards.

10. What is Tableau Prep?

Tableau Prep is a data preparation tool that allows users to clean, reshape, and combine data from multiple sources before analyzing it in Tableau. It provides an intuitive interface for data cleaning and transformation and supports a wide range of data sources.

11. What is the difference between a filter and a parameter in Tableau?

A filter in Tableau is used to limit the data displayed in a visualization based on specific criteria. A parameter, on the other hand, is used to control the behavior of a calculation or visualization. Parameters allow for greater interactivity and flexibility in dashboards, while filters allow for data exploration and analysis.

12. What is the difference between a worksheet and a dashboard in Tableau?

A worksheet in Tableau is a single view or visualization of data. It can be used to create charts, graphs, and tables. A dashboard, on the other hand, is a collection of views and worksheets that are displayed on a single screen. Dashboards are used to present data in a more comprehensive and interactive way.

13. What is a dual-axis chart in Tableau?

A dual-axis chart in Tableau is a chart that displays two measures on two different axes in the same visualization. This allows for a comparison of two measures that may have different scales or units of measurement.

14. What is the difference between a join and a blend in Tableau?

A join in Tableau combines data from two or more tables into a single table based on a common field. A blend, on the other hand, combines data from two or more data sources into a single view. Blending can be used when the data sources have different levels of detail or granularity.

15. How do you optimize performance in Tableau?

To optimize performance in Tableau, you can do the following: Reduce the number of rows and columns in the data

  • Use data extracts instead of live connections
  • Optimize data sources by removing unnecessary fields and filtering the data
  • Use Tableau Server or Tableau Online to share and collaborate on data
  • Use Tableau's performance recording feature to identify and address performance issues.

16. How do you publish a dashboard in Tableau?

To publish a dashboard in Tableau, you can do the following:

  • Create a dashboard in Tableau Desktop
  • Save the dashboard as a Tableau Workbook (.twb) or Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx)
  • Publish the workbook to Tableau Server or Tableau Online
  • Set permissions for the workbook and dashboard to control who can access and interact with the data

17. How can you schedule data refreshes in Tableau?

You can schedule data refreshes in Tableau by setting up a refresh schedule for the data source. This can be done by selecting the data source in Tableau Desktop, going to the "Data" menu, and selecting "Extract" > "Schedule Refresh".

18. What is a trend line in Tableau?

A trend line in Tableau is a line that shows the overall trend or pattern in the data. Trend lines can be added to scatter plots, bar charts, and other visualizations to help identify patterns and relationships in the data.

19. What is a hierarchy in Tableau?

A hierarchy in Tableau is a way of organizing data into a structured order. Hierarchies can be created by grouping dimensions into levels, such as year, quarter, month, and day. Hierarchies can be used to create drill-down or drill-up functionality in visualizations.

20. What is a story in Tableau?

A story in Tableau is a sequence of visualizations that are designed to convey a message or tell a story about the data. Stories can include text, images, and web pages, as well as interactive visualizations.

21. What is the difference between a calculated field and a table calculation in Tableau?

A calculated field in Tableau is a new field that is created by combining existing fields using a formula. A table calculation, on the other hand, is a calculation that is performed on the results of a visualization, such as a running total or percentage of total.

22. What is a parameter in Tableau?

A parameter in Tableau is a user-defined input that can be used to control the behavior of a calculation or visualization. Parameters can be used to change the value of a constant, filter the data, or modify the appearance of a visualization.

23. What is the difference between a dimension and a measure in Tableau?

A dimension in Tableau is a categorical field that is used to group or categorize data, such as product, region, or date. A measure, on the other hand, is a numerical field that is used to perform calculations, such as sales, profit, or quantity.

24. What is a bullet graph in Tableau?

A bullet graph in Tableau is a type of chart that is used to display progress towards a goal or target. It shows the current status of a metric, along with a target or goal value and a comparison to previous periods.

25. How do you create a calculated field in Tableau?

To create a calculated field in Tableau, you can do the following:

  • Right-click on the data pane and select "Create Calculated Field"
  • Type a name for the calculated field
  • Enter a formula that defines the calculation
  • Click "OK" to save the calculated field

26. What is a calculated measure in Tableau?

A calculated measure in Tableau is a new measure that is created by combining existing measures using a formula. Calculated measures can be used to perform complex calculations, such as ratios or percentages, that are not possible using standard measures.

27. What is parameter control in Tableau?

Parameter control in Tableau is a user interface element that allows users to interactively modify the value of a parameter. Parameter controls can be used to change the value of a constant, filter the data, or modify the appearance of a visualization.

28. What is a heat map in Tableau?

A heat map in Tableau is a type of visualization that displays data as a grid of colored squares, with the color intensity representing the value of the data. Heat maps are commonly used to show the distribution of data across different categories or dimensions.

29. What is a geographic map in Tableau?

A geographic map in Tableau is a visualization that displays data on a map, with each data point represented by a symbol or a color. Geographic maps can be used to analyze spatial relationships and patterns in the data.

30. How do you create a map in Tableau?

To create a map in Tableau, you can do the following:

  • Drag a geographic field, such as city or state, to the "Columns" or "Rows" shelf
  • Drag a measure, such as sales or profit, to the "Color" shelf
  • Click the "Show Me" button and select the "Map" option
  • Customize the map by adding labels, legends, and tooltips

31. What is a parameter in Tableau?

A parameter in Tableau is a user-defined input that can be used to control the behavior of a calculation or visualization. Parameters can be used to change the value of a constant, filter the data, or modify the appearance of a visualization.

32. What is a context filter in Tableau?

A context filter in Tableau is a type of filter that is applied before all other filters, and is used to improve performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be loaded and processed. Context filters can be used for large data sets or complex calculations.

33. What is a bin in Tableau?

A bin in Tableau is a way of grouping continuous data into discrete categories, or "bins". Binning can be used to simplify data, create histograms, or perform statistical analysis.

34. What is a table calculation in Tableau?

A table calculation in Tableau is a calculation that is performed on the results of a visualization, such as a running total or percentage of total. Table calculations can be used to analyze data at different levels of detail, or to compare data across different categories.

35. How do you create a calculated field using a parameter

To create a calculated field using a parameter in Tableau, you can do the following:

  • Create a parameter by right-clicking on an empty space in the "Data" pane and selecting "Create Parameter".
  • Define the parameter's name, data type, and allowable values.
  • Create a calculated field by right-clicking on an empty space in the "Data" pane and selecting "Create Calculated Field".
  • Define the calculated field's name and formula using the parameter in the formula.
  • Drag and drop the calculated field to the view.

For example, you can create a calculated field that multiplies a sales value by a parameter called "Discount Rate" by using the following formula:

[Sales] * [Discount Rate]

Then, you can drag and drop this calculated field into a visualization, and the user can interactively adjust the discount rate parameter to see the impact on the sales value.

36. What is a group in Tableau?

A group in Tableau is a collection of related dimension members that are combined into a single group. Groups can be created manually or automatically and can be used to simplify the data and improve visualization.

37. What is a story point in Tableau?

A story point in Tableau is a way to combine multiple visualizations into a single narrative or story. It allows users to create a sequence of interactive and visually compelling slides, each with its own visualizations, descriptions, and annotations, that tell a story or convey a message.

38. What is a dual-axis chart in Tableau?

A dual-axis chart in Tableau is a chart that displays two measures on separate axes, allowing users to compare two different measures on the same chart. The measures can be of different types, such as a bar chart and a line chart, and can be customized with different colors, labels, and scales.

39. What is data blending in Tableau?

Data blending in Tableau is a way to combine data from multiple sources, such as databases, spreadsheets, or web services, into a single view. It allows users to analyze data that is stored in different locations or formats, without the need to merge the data into a single database or file.

40. What is a dimension in Tableau?

A dimension in Tableau is a categorical or qualitative attribute that is used to organize or group data, such as a product, customer, or date. Dimensions are typically displayed on the "Columns" and "Rows" shelves and can be used to create hierarchies, groups, or sets.

41. What is a measure in Tableau?

A measure in Tableau is a quantitative or numerical value that is used to perform calculations or analysis, such as sales, profit, or quantity. Measures are typically displayed on the "Marks" card and can be aggregated using functions such as SUM, AVG, or COUNT.

42. What is the difference between a filter and a parameter in Tableau?

A filter in Tableau is a way to restrict the data that is displayed in a visualization based on specific criteria, such as a date range or a category. A parameter, on the other hand, is a user-defined input that can be used to control the behavior of a calculation or visualization. While both filters and parameters can be used to interactively modify a visualization, filters are used to exclude data from the view, while parameters are used to modify calculations or modify the appearance of the view.

43. What is a dashboard in Tableau?

A dashboard in Tableau is a collection of multiple visualizations, such as charts, tables, and maps, that are displayed together on a single page. It allows users to see multiple perspectives of the data in a single view and can be customized with filters, parameters, and interactivity.

44. How do you create a hierarchy in Tableau?

To create a hierarchy in Tableau, you can do the following:

  • Drag a dimension to the "Columns" or "Rows" shelf.
  • Right-click on the dimension and select "Create Hierarchy".
  • Define the levels of the hierarchy by dragging additional dimensions to the hierarchy.
  • Drag the hierarchy to the "Columns" or "Rows" shelf.

For example, you can create a hierarchy that groups sales data by Year, Quarter, and Month by dragging the "Order Date" dimension to the "Columns" shelf, right-clicking on it, and selecting "Create Hierarchy". Then, you can drag the "Order Date (Hierarchy)" to the "Columns" shelf to display the hierarchy.

45. What is a reference line in Tableau?

A reference line in Tableau is a line that is added to a visualization to represent a target or threshold value, such as an average, a benchmark, or a goal. It can be used to compare the actual values in the visualization to the reference value and can be customized with labels, colors, and styles.

46. What is a parameter in Tableau?

A parameter in Tableau is a user-defined input that can be used to control the behavior of a calculation or visualization. Parameters can be created for various data types, such as integers, dates, or strings, and can be customized with allowable values, ranges, and formatting.

For example, you can create a parameter that allows users to adjust the discount rate for a sales calculation by right-clicking on an empty space in the "Data" pane, selecting "Create Parameter", and defining the parameter's name, data type, and allowable values.

47. What is a join in Tableau?

A join in Tableau is a way to combine data from two or more tables into a single view based on a common field or key. It allows users to analyze data that is stored in different tables or databases, without the need to manually merge the data.

Tableau supports various types of joins, such as inner join, left join, right join, and full outer join, which determine how the data is matched and combined.

48. What is a context filter in Tableau?

A context filter in Tableau is a special type of filter that creates a temporary table of aggregated data based on specific criteria, such as a date range or a category. This temporary table is then used to perform further analysis, such as creating a calculation or a visualization. 

Context filters are useful for improving the performance of large data sets, as they reduce the amount of data that needs to be loaded and processed.

49. What is parameter control in Tableau?

A parameter control in Tableau is a user interface element that allows users to interactively modify a parameter value, such as a slider, a dropdown, or a text box. Parameter controls can be added to a visualization to provide users with more flexibility and interactivity. 

For example, you can add a parameter control that allows users to adjust the size of a bubble chart by right-clicking on the parameter in the "Data" pane, selecting "Show Parameter Control", and choosing the type of control.

50. What is the difference between a group and a set in Tableau?

A group in Tableau is a collection of dimension values that are grouped together based on specific criteria, such as a category or a region. Groups are typically used to simplify a view by reducing the number of distinct values.

A set in Tableau, on the other hand, is a custom field that defines a subset of data based on specific criteria, such as the top 10 products or the lowest 5% of sales. Sets can be used to create dynamic filters, highlight specific data points, or perform conditional formatting.

51. What is a calculated field in Tableau?

A calculated field in Tableau is a custom field that is created by combining one or more existing fields using a formula or a function. Calculated fields can be used to perform complex calculations, such as ratios, percentages, or running totals, that are not possible with the existing fields.

52. What is a data source in Tableau?

A data source in Tableau is a connection to a specific data set, such as a database, a spreadsheet, or a web service. It contains information about the data structure, the data types, and the relationships between tables. Tableau allows users to connect to a wide range of data sources, including popular databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, and MySQL, as well as cloud-based services such as Google Sheets and Salesforce.

53. What is the difference between a discrete and a continuous field in Tableau?

A discrete field in Tableau is a field that contains categorical or qualitative data, such as a product, a region, or a date. Discrete fields are typically displayed using separate marks or headers.

A continuous field in Tableau, on the other hand, is a field that contains numerical or quantitative data, such as a sales amount, temperature, or time. Continuous fields are typically displayed using axes or scales. The difference between discrete and continuous fields is important for creating effective visualizations in Tableau, as the type of field determines how the data is grouped, aggregated, and displayed.

54. What is a dual-axis chart in Tableau?

A dual-axis chart in Tableau is a type of visualization that displays two separate measures using two independent axes, usually with different scales or units of measure. It allows users to compare two different data points side by side, such as sales and profit, or temperature and humidity. 

To create a dual-axis chart in Tableau, you can drag one measure to the Rows or Columns shelf, and then drag the second measure to the same shelf while holding down the Ctrl key. You can then right-click on the second measure and select "Dual Axis" to create the dual-axis chart.

55. What is a hierarchy in Tableau?

A hierarchy in Tableau is a logical grouping of related fields that allows users to drill down or roll up data to different levels of detail. Hierarchies are typically used to analyze data that has a natural structure or hierarchy, such as organizational data or time-series data. 

To create a hierarchy in Tableau, you can drag and drop one or more fields onto the "Drop fields here" area in the "Data" pane, and then right-click on the fields and select "Create Hierarchy". You can then use the hierarchy in a visualization by dragging it to the Rows or Columns shelf.

56. What is a parameter action in Tableau?

A parameter action in Tableau is a type of interactive activity that allows users to change the value of a parameter by clicking on a specific data point in a visualization. Parameter actions are useful for creating dynamic and responsive visualizations that allow users to explore and analyze data in a more intuitive way. 

To create a parameter action in Tableau, you can go to the "Worksheet" menu, select "Actions", and then click on "Add Action" and select "Change Parameter". You can then specify the source sheet, the target parameter, and the field to use as the trigger for the action.

57. What is a data extract in Tableau?

A data extract in Tableau is a subset of a data source that is optimized for performance and storage. It allows users to extract and store a subset of the data in a Tableau-specific format, which can be used to create fast and responsive visualizations. 

Data extracts can be created by going to the "Data" menu, selecting "Extract Data", and then choose the data source and the data to extract. You can then specify the aggregation level, the filters, and the sorting order.

58. What is a dimension in Tableau?

A dimension in Tableau is a categorical or qualitative field that defines the attributes or characteristics of the data, such as a product, a customer, or a date. Dimensions are typically used to group and filter data, and to provide context and meaning to the analysis. 

Tableau supports various types of dimensions, such as discrete dimensions, continuous dimensions, and geographic dimensions, which can be used to create different types of visualizations and analyses.

59. What is a measure in Tableau?

A measure in Tableau is a numerical or quantitative field that defines the metrics or values of the data, such as a sales amount, a profit margin, or a count of customers. Measures are typically used to aggregate, calculate, and compare data, and to provide insights and trends. 

Tableau supports various types of measures, such as continuous measures, discrete measures, and table calculations, which can be used to perform different types of analyses and calculations.

60. What is a story in Tableau?

A story in Tableau is a sequence of interactive visualizations and insights that are designed to communicate a narrative or a message. A story can include multiple worksheets, dashboards, and text objects, and can be customized and formatted to fit different audiences and purposes.

To create a story in Tableau, you can go to the "Story" tab and click on "New Story". You can then add and arrange different sheets and objects, and use the formatting and design options to customize the look and feel of the story.

61. What is a calculated field in Tableau?

A calculated field in Tableau is a new field that is created by combining, manipulating, or transforming existing fields using a formula or an expression. Calculated fields allow users to perform complex calculations and analysis on their data, and to create new insights and metrics. 

To create a calculated field in Tableau, you can right-click on a field in the "Data" pane and select "Create Calculated Field". You can then use the formula editor to define the expression and use functions, operators, and other fields to create the calculation.

62. What is a trend line in Tableau?

A trend line in Tableau is a line that shows the trend or the pattern of a series of data points over time or over a range of values. Trend lines are used to identify and visualize trends, correlations, and patterns in the data, and to make predictions and forecasts. 

To add a trend line in Tableau, you can right-click on a chart and select "Add Trend Line". You can then choose the type of trend line, such as linear, polynomial, or exponential, and customize the settings and options, such as the confidence level and the extrapolation.

63. What is data blending in Tableau?

Data blending in Tableau is a technique that allows users to combine data from multiple sources or databases, and to create a unified view or analysis. Data blending is useful when the data sources have different structures or schemas, or when the data needs to be aggregated or analyzed at different levels. 

To blend data in Tableau, you can drag and drop fields from multiple data sources onto the "Data" pane, and then create a relationship between the fields. You can then use the blended data in a visualization by dragging the fields to the Rows or Columns shelf.

64. What is the Tableau Desktop interface?

The Tableau Desktop interface is the graphical user interface (GUI) of Tableau Desktop, which is used to create, edit, and publish visualizations and analyses. The interface consists of various panels, menus, and toolbars, which can be customized and arranged to fit different workflows and tasks. 

The main panels in the Tableau Desktop interface are the "Sheets" pane, which displays the worksheets and dashboards, the "Data" pane, which displays the data sources and fields, and the "Status" bar, which displays information about the data and the system.

65. What is the Tableau Server?

The Tableau Server is a web-based platform that allows users to share, collaborate, and publish visualizations and analyses created in Tableau Desktop. The Tableau Server provides a secure and scalable way to access and interact with data, and to distribute insights and reports to different audiences and stakeholders. 

The Tableau Server consists of various components, such as the application server, the repository database, and the data engine, which work together to provide a seamless and responsive experience for the users.

66. What is the Tableau Prep Builder?

The Tableau Prep Builder is a data preparation tool that allows users to clean, transform, and shape their data before analyzing or visualizing it in Tableau. The Tableau Prep Builder provides a visual and intuitive interface that allows users to perform complex data transformations and manipulations without writing code.

The Tableau Prep Builder supports a wide range of data sources and formats and provides various tools and functions to help users clean and reshape their data, such as data cleaning, splitting, pivoting, and aggregating.

67. What is a data source in Tableau?

A data source in Tableau is a collection of data that is used to create visualizations and analyses. A data source can be a single file, such as a spreadsheet or a database, or it can be a combination of multiple files and databases, which can be blended or joined together to create a unified view of the data. 

In Tableau, you can create a data source by connecting to a file or a database, or by blending multiple data sources together. You can then use the data source to create visualizations and analyses by dragging and dropping fields onto the Rows and Columns shelves.

68. What is a tooltip in Tableau?

A tooltip in Tableau is a pop-up window that appears when you hover over a data point or a mark in a visualization. The tooltip displays additional information about the data, such as the value, the label, or the category, and can be customized and formatted to fit different needs and preferences. 

To customize a tooltip in Tableau, you can click on the "Tooltip" card in the Marks card, and use the formatting and design options to add text, images, and formatting. You can also use calculated fields and dynamic content to create interactive and informative tooltips.

69. What is a join in Tableau?

A join in Tableau is a technique that allows users to combine data from two or more tables based on a common field or key. A join is useful when the data is spread across multiple tables or sources, and needs to be combined or blended to create a unified view of the data. 

In Tableau, you can join tables by dragging and dropping them onto the "Data" pane, and then selecting the common field or key. You can then choose the type of join, such as inner join, left join, or right join, and customize the join conditions and filters.

70. What is a hierarchy in Tableau?

A hierarchy in Tableau is a logical grouping of fields or dimensions that allows users to drill up or down in the data, and to analyze and visualize the data at different levels of granularity. A hierarchy can be created by combining two or more fields or dimensions into a single group and then arranging them in a hierarchical order. 

To create a hierarchy in Tableau, you can right-click on a dimension in the "Data" pane and select "Create Hierarchy". You can then drag and drop additional fields or dimensions to the hierarchy, and customize the levels and order.

71. What is a parameter in Tableau?

A parameter in Tableau is a dynamic and interactive input that allows users to change a value or a setting in a visualization or an analysis. A parameter can be used to create flexible and customizable visualizations and to enable users to explore and analyze the data in different ways. 

To create a parameter in Tableau, you can go to the "Analysis" menu and select "Create Parameter". You can then define the data type, the range, and the default value of the parameter, and use it in a calculation or a filter.

72. What is data scaffolding in Tableau?

Data scaffolding in Tableau is a technique that allows users to generate and manipulate data on the fly, without actually storing the data in a physical data source. Data scaffolding is useful when the data is too large or complex to be stored in a traditional database or spreadsheet, or when the data needs to be generated or modified dynamically. 

In Tableau, data scaffolding can be done using the "Create" feature in the "Data" pane, which allows users to create a range of numbers, dates, or strings, or to generate a list of values based on a calculation or a formula. Data scaffolding can also be done using the "Custom SQL" option, which allows users to write SQL queries directly in Tableau to generate or manipulate data.

73. What is a parameterized query in Tableau?

A parameterized query in Tableau is a query that uses parameters to make the query more flexible and customizable. Parameterized queries are useful when the data source is large or complex, and the query needs to be customized or filtered based on user input. 

In Tableau, a parameterized query can be created by creating a parameter and then using the parameter in the SQL query as a variable or a filter. The parameter can be defined by the user at runtime and can be used to filter or manipulate the data in the visualization or the analysis.

74. What is the difference between a discrete and a continuous field in Tableau?

In Tableau, a discrete field is a field that has a finite set of distinct values, such as categories or groups. A discrete field is represented by a blue pill on the "Data" pane, and is displayed as separate, colored marks in the visualization. 

A continuous field, on the other hand, is a field that has a continuous range of values, such as time, quantity, or temperature. A continuous field is represented by a green pill on the "Data" pane and is displayed as a continuous line or area in the visualization.

75. What is the difference between a dimension and a measure in Tableau?

In Tableau, a dimension is a categorical or qualitative field that describes the characteristics or attributes of the data, such as product, region, or time. A dimension is typically displayed on the Rows or Columns shelves and is represented by a blue pill on the "Data" pane. 

A measure, on the other hand, is a quantitative or numerical field that represents the data itself, such as sales, profit, or quantity. A measure is typically displayed on the Marks card, and is represented by a green pill on the "Data" pane.

76. What is a blended axis in Tableau?

A blended axis in Tableau is an axis that combines multiple measures or fields in a single view, allowing users to compare and analyze the data across different dimensions or metrics. A blended axis is useful when the data is spread across multiple data sources or tables, and needs to be blended or combined to create a unified view of the data. 

To create a blended axis in Tableau, you can drag and drop multiple measures or fields onto the Rows or Columns shelves, and then select the "Dual Axis" option. You can then customize the appearance and formatting of the blended axis, and use it to compare and analyze the data.

77. What is a reference line in Tableau?

A reference line in Tableau is a line or a band that is added to visualization to indicate a specific value or threshold, such as a target, a goal, or an average. A reference line is useful when the data needs to be compared or analyzed against a benchmark or a standard. 

To add a reference line in Tableau, you can right-click on the axis in the visualization and select "Add Reference Line". You can then choose the type of reference line, such as a constant line or a dynamic line, and customize the value, the label, and the formatting.

78. What is parameter control in Tableau?

Parameter control in Tableau is an interactive element that allows users to change the value or the setting of a parameter in a visualization or an analysis. A parameter control is useful when the data needs to be explored and analyzed in different ways To add a parameter control in Tableau, you can create a parameter and then add a control to the visualization or the dashboard. The control can be in the form of a slider, a drop-down list, or a text box, and can be customized to match the formatting and the style of the visualization or the dashboard.

79. What is a table calculation in Tableau?

A table calculation in Tableau is a calculation that is performed on the data within a table or a partition, rather than on the raw data in the data source. Table calculations are useful when the data needs to be aggregated or summarized in different ways, such as running totals, moving averages, or percentages of total. 

To create a table calculation in Tableau, you can use the "Quick Table Calculation" option in the "Analysis" menu, or create a custom calculation using the "Table Calculation" option in the "Functions" pane. You can then customize the calculation, including the calculation type, the partitioning, and the order of the data.

80. What is a calculated field in Tableau?

A calculated field in Tableau is a new field that is created by combining or manipulating existing fields in the data source. Calculated fields are useful when the data needs to be transformed or processed in different ways, such as creating ratios, percentages, or aggregations. 

To create a calculated field in Tableau, you can use the "Create Calculated Field" option in the "Analysis" menu, or create a custom calculation using the "Calculation" option in the "Functions" pane. You can then write a formula or an expression that combines or manipulates the existing fields and assign a name and a data type to the calculated field.

81. What is a data extract in Tableau?

A data extract in Tableau is a subset or a snapshot of the data from the data source, that is optimized and compressed for faster querying and analysis. Data extracts are useful when the data source is large or complex, and the analysis requires only a portion of the data, or when the analysis needs to be performed offline or on a mobile device. 

To create a data extract in Tableau, you can use the "Extract" option in the "Data" menu, and select the data source, the tables, and the fields that you want to extract. You can then specify the data type, the aggregation, and the compression options, and save the extract as a .tde or .hyper file.

82. What is a context filter in Tableau?

A context filter in Tableau is a filter that is applied to the data source before any other filters, aggregations, or calculations, and creates a temporary table or subset of the data. Context filters are useful when the data source is large or complex, and the analysis requires a specific set of data, such as a specific time period, region, or product. 

To create a context filter in Tableau, you can right-click on the filter in the "Filters" pane, and select "Add to Context". You can then drag and drop other filters, calculations, or visualizations onto the context filter, and analyze the data in the context of the filter.

83. What is data blending in Tableau?

Data blending in Tableau is the process of combining data from multiple sources or data tables, based on a common field or key. Data blending is useful when the data source is spread across multiple data sources or tables and needs to be blended or combined to create a unified view of the data.

To blend data in Tableau, you can drag and drop data tables onto the "Data" pane, and then define the blending relationship by selecting the common field or key. You can then customize the blending options, such as the join type, the aggregation, the filter, or the sorting, and create a visualization or a dashboard that combines the data from multiple sources.

84. What is the difference between blending and joining data in Tableau?

Blending and joining data in Tableau are two different methods of combining data from multiple sources or data tables. The main difference between blending and joining data is that blending combines the data from different sources at the visualization level while joining combines the data from different sources at the data source level.

In blending, the data from each data source is kept separate and only combined when a visualization or a dashboard is created. This allows for more flexibility and performance, as only the necessary data is combined and displayed, and the original data sources remain unchanged. Blending is useful when the data sources have different granularity, or when the data sources cannot be joined due to different structures or formats.

In joining, the data from each data source are combined into a single data source, and the relationship between the tables is defined by a common field or key. This creates a unified view of the data, but can also result in duplicated or missing data, and can be more resource-intensive and time-consuming than blending. Joining is useful when the data sources have the same structure and granularity, and when the data needs to be analyzed and transformed at the data source level.

85. What is the difference between a dual-axis chart and a combination chart in Tableau?

A dual-axis chart in Tableau is a chart that combines two separate axes or scales in a single visualization, allowing for the comparison of two measures that have different scales or units. A dual-axis chart can display two separate charts, such as a bar chart and a line chart, or a single chart with multiple marks, such as circles and squares.

A combination chart in Tableau is a chart that combines two or more marks or chart types in a single visualization, allowing for the comparison of different measures or dimensions. A combination chart can display multiple charts, such as a bar chart, a line chart, and a scatter plot, or a single chart with multiple marks, such as circles, squares, and triangles.

The main difference between a dual-axis chart and a combination chart is that a dual-axis chart compares two measures on separate axes, while a combination chart compares different measures or dimensions on the same axis. A dual-axis chart is useful when the measures have different scales or units, while a combination chart is useful when the measures or dimensions need to be compared or contrasted in different ways.

86. What is a parameter in Tableau?

A parameter in Tableau is a user-defined input or control that allows the user to modify a calculation or a visualization dynamically, based on a specified range or value. Parameters can be used to create dynamic filters, calculations, or visualizations, and can be customized to match the formatting and the style of the visualization or the dashboard.

To create a parameter in Tableau, you can use the "Create Parameter" option in the "Analysis" menu, and specify the data type, the allowable values, and the default value. You can then use the parameter in a calculation or a visualization, by referencing the parameter in the formula or the expression.

87. What is a story in Tableau?

A story in Tableau is a collection of interactive visualizations, images, and text that are organized into a narrative or a presentation and can be viewed and shared as a single page or a slideshow. A story in Tableau is useful when the analysis needs to be presented in a structured and compelling way, and when the audience needs to understand the insights and the implications of the data.

To create a story in Tableau, you can use the "New Story" option in the "Dashboard" menu, and add visualizations, images, and text to the story page. You can also add captions, annotations, and buttons to guide the audience through the story and add filters, parameters, and actions to make the story interactive and dynamic.

A story in Tableau can be published on Tableau Server or Tableau Online and can be shared with others as a web page or a PDF document. A story in Tableau can also be exported as a PowerPoint presentation or a video and can be embedded in other applications or websites.

88. What is the use of a calculated field in Tableau?

A calculated field in Tableau is a field that is created by combining or transforming existing fields, using a formula or an expression. Calculated fields can be used to perform calculations, create new dimensions or measures, or modify the existing data in a data source. 

Calculated fields can be created in Tableau by using the "Create Calculated Field" option in the "Analysis" menu, and typing the formula or the expression in the formula editor. Calculated fields can reference other fields, functions, or parameters, and can use mathematical, logical, or string operations to perform calculations or transformations.

Calculated fields in Tableau can be used in visualizations, filters, sorting, grouping, and aggregation, and can be shared and reused across multiple worksheets, dashboards, or data sources. Calculated fields can also be created dynamically by using parameters or table calculations, allowing for greater flexibility and interactivity in the analysis.

89. What are table calculations in Tableau?

Table calculations in Tableau are calculations that are performed on the data in a visualization, based on the order, grouping, or partitioning of the data. Table calculations can be used to perform running totals, moving averages, percent of the total, and other types of calculations that depend on the arrangement of the data.

Table calculations in Tableau can be created by using the "Create Calculated Field" option in the "Analysis" menu and selecting the type of table calculation from the drop-down list. Table calculations can reference other fields, dimensions, or measures, and can use advanced options such as addressing, partitioning, and compute using to control the scope and the calculation of the data.

Table calculations in Tableau can be used in visualizations, such as line charts, bar charts, and tables, and can be combined with other calculations, such as level of detail expressions and parameters, to create more sophisticated analysis and insights.

90. What is a hierarchy in Tableau?

A hierarchy in Tableau is a grouping of fields or dimensions that allows for the aggregation and analysis of data at different levels of detail. A hierarchy can be created by combining fields or dimensions into a logical order or structure, such as country, region, and city, or year, quarter, and month.

Hierarchies in Tableau can be created by dragging and dropping fields or dimensions into the hierarchy pane and arranging them in the desired order or structure. Hierarchies can be used in visualizations to drill down or roll up the data, and can be expanded or collapsed dynamically by the user.

Hierarchies in Tableau can also be used in calculations, filters, and sorting, allowing for greater control and flexibility in the analysis. Hierarchies can be customized by changing the levels, the names, and the formatting of the fields or dimensions, and can be saved and reused across multiple worksheets, dashboards, or data sources.

91. What is data blending in Tableau?

Data blending in Tableau is a technique that allows for the combination of data from multiple sources, by linking them at the visualization level, rather than at the data source level. Data blending is useful when the data sources have different structures or granularity, or when they cannot be joined due to technical limitations.

Data blending in Tableau works by creating a relationship between the data sources based on one or more common fields, and using a shared dimension as a linking field to join the data at the visualization level. The linked data can then be used in a single visualization, allowing for the analysis of data from different sources in a single view.

Data blending in Tableau can be performed by using the "Data" menu, and selecting the option "Edit Relationships". The user can then select the primary data source and the secondary data source, and define the linking field and the aggregation method. Tableau automatically generates the necessary calculations and fields to blend the data.

Data blending in Tableau can be useful for complex analysis, such as combining data from different departments or organizations, or for combining external and internal data sources. However, data blending can be slower and less efficient than using a single data source and may require additional processing and storage resources.

92. What is the difference between a join and a blend in Tableau?

A join in Tableau is a technique that combines data from two or more tables or data sources based on a common field or set of fields and creates a single data source with a unified structure. A join in Tableau is performed at the data source level and requires that the data sources have a similar structure and granularity.

A blend in Tableau is a technique that combines data from two or more data sources based on a common field or set of fields and creates a single visualization that links the data sources at the visualization level. A blend in Tableau is performed after the data sources have been connected and can be used when the data sources have different structures or granularity.

The main difference between a join and a blend in Tableau is that a join creates a single data source with a unified structure, while a blend creates a single visualization that links the data sources at the visualization level. A join is faster and more efficient than a blend but requires that the data sources have a similar structure and granularity. A blend is slower and less efficient than a join but allows for greater flexibility and analysis of data from different sources.

93. What is a context filter in Tableau?

A context filter in Tableau is a type of filter that is applied to a subset of the data and creates a temporary table of aggregated data that can be used in subsequent calculations and filters. A context filter is useful when the data source is large and complex, and the user wants to focus on a specific subset of data that is relevant to the analysis.

A context filter in Tableau can be created by right-clicking on a field or measure in the "Filters" shelf, and selecting the option "Add to Context". When a context filter is applied, Tableau creates a temporary table of aggregated data that includes only the data that passes through the filter and calculates the results based on that subset of data.

Context filters in Tableau can be used in combination with other filters, such as dimension filters and measure filters, to refine the analysis and focus on specific subsets of data. Context filters can also improve the performance of the analysis by reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed.

94. What is the difference between a discrete and a continuous field in Tableau?

In Tableau, a discrete field is a field that contains a finite number of distinct values, such as categories or groups and is represented as a separate axis or a set of headers in the visualization. A continuous field is a field that contains a range of values, such as dates, times, or numerical values and is represented as a continuous axis or a line in the visualization.

The main difference between a discrete and a continuous field in Tableau is the way they are represented in the visualization. A discrete field is represented as a separate axis or a set of headers and is used for categorical data, while a continuous field is represented as a continuous axis or a line, and is used for numerical or temporal data.

Discrete fields in Tableau can be further divided into two types: dimensions and discrete measures. Dimensions are fields that provide context and structure to the data, such as categories, dates, or geographic locations. Discrete measures are fields that contain numeric values that are not aggregated, such as counts or unique IDs.

Continuous fields in Tableau can be further divided into two types: date/time fields and continuous measures. Date/time fields are fields that contain temporal data, such as dates, times, or durations. Continuous measures are fields that contain numeric values that are aggregated, such as sums, averages, or percentages.

95. What is a reference line in Tableau?

A reference line in Tableau is a line that is added to a visualization to represent a specific value or threshold and is used to compare the data against a benchmark or target. A reference line can be horizontal or vertical and can be placed at a specific value or a calculated value.

Reference lines in Tableau can be added by right-clicking on the visualization, selecting "Add Reference Line", and choosing the type and value of the reference line. Reference lines can be based on a fixed value, a field or formula, a statistical value, or a parameter.

Reference lines in Tableau can be useful for highlighting important data points or trends, comparing the data against a benchmark or target, or visualizing the deviation from a desired value or goal. Reference lines can also be used in combination with other features, such as annotations, to provide additional context and insights.

96. What is a parameter in Tableau?

A parameter in Tableau is a dynamic input that allows the user to change a specific value or calculation in the visualization, without changing the underlying data or the structure of the visualization. A parameter can be used to control a wide range of features in Tableau, such as filters, calculations, reference lines, and colors.

A parameter in Tableau can be created by right-clicking on a blank space in the "Data" pane, selecting "Create Parameter", and defining the type, range, and default value of the parameter. A parameter can be based on a field, a fixed value, or a formula, and can be used in calculations and filters as a dynamic input.

Parameters in Tableau can be useful for creating interactive dashboards, allowing the user to explore different scenarios and what-if analysis, and providing additional control and flexibility to the visualization. Parameters can also be used in combination with other features, such as actions and dynamic sets, to create complex and interactive visualizations.

97. What is a dynamic set in Tableau?

A dynamic set in Tableau is a set that is based on a specific condition or formula and is updated dynamically based on the changes in the data or the user's interaction with the visualization. A dynamic set can be used to highlight specific data points, filter the data based on specific criteria, or perform calculations based on a subset of the data.

A dynamic set in Tableau can be created by right-clicking on a field in the "Data" pane, selecting "Create Set", and choosing the option "Use all" or "Use all values" to create a dynamic set based on the entire data source. Alternatively, a dynamic set can be created by defining a formula or a condition that specifies the criteria for the set.

Dynamic sets in Tableau can be useful for creating interactive dashboards, allowing the user to explore different subsets of the data, and providing additional context and insights to the visualization. Dynamic sets can also be used in combination with other features, such as parameters and actions, to create complex and interactive visualizations.

98. What is data blending in Tableau?

Data blending in Tableau is a feature that allows the user to combine data from multiple data sources, such as databases, spreadsheets, or web services, into a single visualization. Data blending is useful when the data is stored in different sources or at different levels of granularity, and cannot be easily combined using traditional joins or unions.

Data blending in Tableau works by creating a relationship between the primary data source and the secondary data source, based on a common field or key. The user can then create a visualization that includes fields from both data sources, and Tableau will automatically blend the data based on the relationship.

Data blending in Tableau can be configured by right-clicking on the data source in the "Data" pane, selecting "Edit Data Source", and choosing the option "Add" to add a secondary data source. The user can then define the relationship between the primary and secondary data sources, and configure the blending options, such as aggregation, null handling, and data densification.

Data blending in Tableau can be useful for creating complex visualizations that combine data from multiple sources, providing additional context and insights into the data, and allowing the user to perform analysis and exploration at a more granular level. However, data blending can also introduce performance issues and data accuracy concerns and should be used with caution.

99. What is the difference between a table calculation and a calculated field in Tableau?

A table calculation in Tableau is a calculation that operates on the result set of a visualization, based on the current view or partition. Table calculations are used to perform complex calculations, such as moving averages or percent of the total, and can be customized by selecting the desired computation, scope, and direction.

A calculated field in Tableau, on the other hand, is a user-defined calculation that can be used to create new fields based on existing fields or other calculations. Calculated fields are used to perform calculations that cannot be achieved through simple aggregation or filtering, such as custom metrics or business rules.

100. What is the use of context filters in Tableau?

Context filters in Tableau are used to improve the performance of visualization by creating a temporary subset of data based on the selected filter criteria. Context filters can be applied to any field in the view, and they are processed before other filters, aggregations, or table calculations.

When a context filter is applied, Tableau creates a temporary table that includes only the data that meets the filter criteria. This table is then used as the basis for all subsequent calculations and operations, reducing the amount of data that needs to be processed and improving the performance of the visualization.

Context filters can be useful for large datasets or complex calculations that require significant processing time, allowing the user to focus on the most relevant data and insights. However, context filters can also increase the complexity of the visualization and require careful consideration of the filter criteria and order of operations.



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