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Updated date Jan 16, 2024
Best 50 UiPath RPA Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced UiPath developers. UiPath provides both enterprise and a free version which can be used to automate a wide scale of business processes.
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RPA Interview Questions and Answers,

RPA basic and advanced interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced RPA developers

Top 50+ RPA Interview Questions and Answers

1. Why UiPath is best in RPA?

UiPath provides both enterprise and a free version which can be used to automate a wide scale of business processes. The enterprise version provides premium features that include cloud-based automation services. Also, it provides Scheduling, Access control, Process Modelling, Deployment Management, Remote Execution, and Change Management.          

2. State the components of UiPath?

UiPath comprises three critical components which include UiPath Studio, UiPath Robot, and UiPath Orchestrator.

  • UiPath Studio – This is the main application that is necessary for automation, integrating application, enhancing business processes, and much more. The entire application helps the user to create workflows using various packages, activities, and code.
  • UiPath Robot – The primary function of this component is to execute the workflow and perform the actions as coded inside sequences. It can mimic human actions and perform various complex tasks with ease.
  • UiPath Orchestrator – It is used for orchestrating UiPath Robots to monitor, create, or deploy resources, such that third-party solutions and applications can be integrated to execute repetitive business processes.

3. Describe the types of Workflows in UiPath?

UiPath provides three basic workflow activities:

  • Sequences: This is useful for small processes or projects and linearly executes actions from top to bottom.
  • Flowchart: This is useful in complex processes where multiple sequences can be coordinated or branched together to perform a specific task.
  • State Machine: A machine may use different states for executing automation when a Robot is executed and State Machine helps to alter these states when an action is triggered.

4. What is the difference between the Attended & Unattended bot?

Attended bot: Runs on the same machine, which the user operates and can be triggered using user actions or events. This mode does not support Orchestrator and is unable to run when the screen is locked.

Unattended bot: Can run on any virtual environment and thus helps to automate a wide variety of processes. It does not require user actions or intervention to function and therefore can be used for monitoring, scheduling, providing support as well as remote execution.

5. What are the benefits of using RPA?

  • Cost minimization
  • High quality and accuracy
  • Time-efficient
  • No coding required

6. Which types of documents you have created in UiPath?

I have mostly developed PDD (TOBE & ASIS), BRD, and SDD(TDD).

7. Difference between List, Array & Enumeration?

  • Array – It is a variable that can store multiple values of the same type
  • List – Is allows to store values in the form of collection when the number of values to be stored is uncertain
  • Enumeration – It is much similar to an Array and stores multiple values that are generated or match a ReGex pattern.

8. What are Activity Properties in UiPath?

Properties in UiPath allow to fine-tune activities as per project requirements. Under the properties panel, the user can choose to store the output of the activity into a variable, provide inputs, alter the mechanism of activity, and much more.

9. What is branching in UiPath?

It allows the user to connect different sequences in the form of a flowchart according to which activities are executed one by one.

10. What are Selectors in UiPath?

Selectors in UiPath are elements of GUI applications, webpages, etc. which requires to be mapped to perform to certain automation activity. This helps to identify UI elements where a specific task such as type, click, etc. requires to be performed.

11. Explain different types of Wildcards in UiPath?

UiPath uses two wildcards which are “?” and “*”. The * is used to replace a selector and denotes that any number of values can be in its place while the ? indicates a single unknown value in its place.

12. State the difference between Full & partial Selector.

  • Full Selector – It includes all elements that enable us to identify a GUI element and all incorporate the top-level window. This is used for performing multiple actions in different windows.
  • Partial Selector – Lacks information about the top-level window and is enclosed in containers such as Attach Window or Attach Browser which supplies information about the top-level window. This is used for performing actions in the same window.

13. What is UiPath Explorer?

This is a very powerful tool that can be used to develop custom selectors for any GUI element. To use this, the user needs to add UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities package as a dependency. The

14. What is Automatic Recording in UiPath?

This allows us to record user actions, or events and combine them with UiPath activities to perform a specified task. It consists of multiple options starting from Basic, Desktop, Web, Computer Vision, and Citrix, which makes it easier to record for a specific environment.

15. What is the managed package in UiPath?

This allows the user to install official packages or custom community-built packages inside UiPath studio which contain various activities that can assist the user to carry out an automation project with ease. The packages in UiPath are much similar to packages in R or Python.

16. How to save credentials in Windows and use it UiPath?

Firstly, the user needs to install the system credential manager using the UiPath Manage Packages option. The user will be able to save his username and password inside the credential manager. Finally, using the Get-Credential activity to fetch the username and password and store it in two variables which can then be inputted into activities such as Type Into, Set Text, etc. for automating the required task.

17. How to automate the database?

The user needs to install the UiPath.database package, using the Manage Packages activity. This will allow the user to integrate various activities that help to connect to various types of Databases using the Properties Panel.

18. How to publish any project in UiPath

Publishing a project is essentially archiving all project packages, dependencies, and other necessary files into a single package which can they can use globally by other users or send to a Robot for execution. This also allows the UiPath assistant to run various automation at once which can be monitored, coordinates and managed under one window. To publish a project, the user simply needs to click on Publish from the Design tab.

19. How many activities have you used in UiPath?

Depends on the candidate. There are around 450 activities in UiPath. An ideal candidate must know at least 200 of them.

20. What is debugging in UiPath?

It is the process that allows the user/developer to execute activities, sequences, specific part of the workflow to identify errors, bugs, or any discrepancy that the user wants to rectify. All errors generated during the debugging process can be seen on the output screen. Moreover, activities or sequences causing errors are marked by red for easy identification.

21. What are arguments in UiPath & directions of Argument?

They are essential to transfer information or data from one workflow to another and have specific directions such as In/Out. In stands for passing information which is not returned while Out means value passed is not of any importance.

22. What is Flow Switch in UiPath?

This activity allows the user to choose from multiple options/choices which are already defined by the developer/user. A Flow Switch works like a conditional activity that is restricted by False or True branch. The steps of a Flow Switch activity are called FlowStep.

23. What is the difference between for Each Row, For Each & Parallel For each?

For Each allows the user to create a Loop for each item or values that are contained inside a variable. Such variables must possess Array-like properties and therefore contain multiple similar values. For Each Row on the other hand only works for Data Table variables and creates a looping sequence for every row that is present in the Data Table. Both For Each and For Each run for each value one by one.

Parallel For Each runs a sequence for all values presents inside a variable simultaneously or parallelly.

24. What is Exception Handling?

Exceptional handling is the error management of various activities inside UiPath Studio. In other words, Exceptional Handling allows executing a specific sequence, or activity when a particular error occurs. Various error handling activities in UiPath include Try Catch, Throw, Terminate Workflow, and Rethrow.

25. What is the difference between Throw, Rethrow, and terminate workflow?

Rethrow allows us to execute an activity before an exception occurs whereas Terminate is used to stop executing an activity whenever an exception occurs. On the other hand, Throw is used to push an error before the execution of a specific activity.

26. How have you handled exception in a project?

Depending on the projects candidate has worked in and he/she requires sharing his/her experience regarding the same in detail.

27. What is the difference between Try, Catch, and Finally?

Try, Catch, and Finally are included in the same activity and are used for error handling or handling exceptions. An activity or workflow that can generate an error is placed inside the Try whereas inside Catch the type of error to be captured is selected by the user. Whenever the error occurs in Try they are captured according to Catch and then activities inside Finally are executed to counter the error or control it.

28. What is the difference between Data Scraping and Screen Scraping?

Data Scraping activity is used to scrape information from specific elements inside an application or web browser. The user can select one element and the Data Scraping activity will be able to scrape information for all such elements present in the window. Hence, it is useful to get data such as Title, Links, Numbers, etc.

Screen Scraping scrapes all information from the user-defined element and uses the NATIVE or OCR technology to understand the text. For this method to work, the element must be visible on the screen. It is unable to scrape text from all similar elements, unlike Data Scraping.

29. Difference between Output Panel & Outline?

The Output Panel shows the outcome of execution. It will show output values from activities such as write line as well as errors. It also includes the total execution of the time of the entire workflow.

30. What is Excel Automation?

UiPath allows automating various Excel activities starting from soring, finding, filtering, editing, values in the worksheet. The user can color cells, read formulas, write cells, use data from Excel to record data in ERP applications like SAP, and much more.

31. How many activities you have used for Excel Automation?

Depends on the candidate’s experience. An ideal candidate must be aware of all Excel activities including ones that allow the management of Data Tables.

32. Difference between Excel and Workbook activity?

The Excel activity uses the Excel application scope which opens Excel using UiPath Robot to perform a specific task. For this reason, Excel requires to be installed on the local machine.

Excel Workbook activity does not require Excel to be installed and can work Excel workbook by directly working with the file. As a reason, it does not provide many complex actions such as AutoFill, Set Range Colour, etc.

33. What is the Anchor and Find Element?

Anchor helps to select an element that does not have reliable selectors. It uses other GUI elements as anchors to the target element. Find Element is used to look for a user-defined GUI element and waits for it appear or searches for it. The output can be saved inside an UIElement variable.

34. Difference between reading Range, Read Cell, Read CSV, Write Range, Write Cell, and Write CSV?

  • Read Range is used to reading data from an Excel Sheet into a Data Table variable.
  • Read Cell is used to read data from an Excel Cell and store it into a string variable.
  • Read CSV is the same as Read Range but only used for copying CSV data into a Data Table variable.
  • Write Range is used to write a Data Table into a user-defined Cell Address of an Excel worksheet.
  • Write Cell helps the user to save the value from a string variable into a Cell of an Excel worksheet.
  • Write CSV is used to write the Data Table variable into a CSV file.

35. What is Email Automation?

Email Automation in UiPath allows us to create a workflow sequence that can automate reading emails, sending emails with attachments, saving attachments, sorting emails, and numerous other activities that are required in Business Processes. UiPath has integrated activities that use API of Outlook and IBM Notes to automate all of their functionalities.

36. What are Email protocols in UiPath?

Email protocols in general are necessary mechanisms or technology that allow us to send Emails or Read received emails. UiPath supports all popular Email protocols starting from IMAP, SMTP, POP3, etc.

37. Mention the differences between IMAP, Send Outlook, Get Outlook, and SMTP?

IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol and is used for receiving or reading received Emails.

Get Outlook is used for received Emails from the Outlook application.

Send Outlook helps to send Emails using the Outlook application

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and is used for sending Emails but requires setting up servers, port, username, and password.

38. How to filter the mails through UiPath?

Mails can be filtered in UiPath using various methods. For example, the developer can collect all the subject lines of Emails into an Email List variable and filter them using a simple IF activity For Each item. Also, there Get Outlook Filter option that uses the Desktop application API to perform the task.

39. What is PDF Automation?

PDF Automation in UiPath helps to perform various tasks with a Robot such as extracting images, tables, numbers, and emails from PDF. Editing PDF, combining PDF, converting PDF pages to images, and much more.

40. How many activities have you used in PDF Automation?

Depends on the candidate. Since PDF automation has very few activities, it is advisable to learn all of them.

41. How to automate Text and Image PDF?

For reading Text information inside a PDF, the user can use the Read PDF Text activity and store the output into a string variable. To read the information inside images of a PDF, the user can use Read PDF with OCR and then store the result inside a string variable.

42. What is OCR? State different types of OCR?

OCR is short for Optical Character Recognition technology and comprises of three types which include Google OCR, Microsoft OCR, and Tesseract OCR.

43. What is Orchestrator?

Orchestrator is a cloud-based web application that allows us to manage, monitor, deploy, and schedule UiPath Robots and process automation into various environments and virtual systems.

44. Explain the differences between floating and Standard Robot?

  • Standard Robot – It operates on a single machine and is useful in situations where a user always operates on the same machine and want to deploy automation robots.
  • Floating Robots – It is not dependent on a single user machine and can be controlled by Orchestrator to be deployed on several environments. Development and Attended Robots are Floating Robots.

45. Define Single Block activity in UiPath?

Sequences are single block activities in UiPath that allow the user to create a linear sequence of activities that will execute from top to bottom. It can be reused in the entire script and is comparable to a single block of code that performs a specific action completely.

46. How do you use Assign Activity and Delay Activity in UiPath?

Activities in UiPath can be assigned or added to the main workflow simply by dragging and dropping them or by clicking on the + sign in the workflow. Delay activity is used to pause the execution of the workflow for a certain amount of time and can be placed before or after an activity.

47. Explain how to Create and Remove an argument in UiPath.

For creating an argument, the user needs to the Designer Panel and click on “Arguments” which will display the Arguments Panel. Now the user needs to click on the Argument line. In a similar fashion, the user can remove the Argument, the user can right-click on it and click on the delete option.

48. Explain about do while activity in UiPath?

Do While activity is a conditional statement that allows to execute a specific task activity repeatedly as long as the user-defined condition meets. Each time it loops, it checks for the given condition again before performing the same execution.

49. Explain If activity in UiPath?

If activity is a conditional statement that allows to execute a particular activity or task when the user-defined condition meets. When the condition meets, activities inside “Then” are executed and if it doesn’t meet activities inside “Else” are executed.

50. What is meant by switch activity in UiPath?

It allows switching from one user-defined value to another as per values inputted inside the expression. By default, it is set to switch integer argument but the user is given the opportunity to alter them by simply clicking a few options on the Properties Panel.

51. What is the effective process to Log into UiPath?

Each activity in UiPath should be logged in which allows interpreting the output results, errors or execution flows with ease. In addition, the developer must include a trace process to understand operational errors better. Inside the production environment, the user can choose to log as per their requirements.

52. For what purpose UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template is used for?

It is a predefined workflow sequence that acts the starting point of any project. Moreover, it can be a source of front office Robots as well as acts as a queue for orchestrator.

53. What is meant by break activity in UiPath?

This allows the user to stop the execution of a loop even when the conditions meet or before the completion of the entire loop. The execution then proceeds linearly or according to the user-defined flow.

54. Which type of challenges you have faced in UiPath?

Depends on the candidate’s experience.

55. On which version of the UiPath tool you have worked?

Depends on the candidate’s experience. For example, it can be 2019.4, 2020.10.0, 2016.6, etc.

56. How many processes you have automated in UiPath?

Depends on candidates’ past experiences

57. How many tools you have used until now?

Depends on the candidate



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