TechieClues TechieClues
Updated date Jun 23, 2023
This article provides a comparison between Golang and Java, focusing on their advantages, disadvantages, and suitability for web development. It discusses the features and syntax of both languages, highlights the reasons behind companies migrating from Java to Golang, and concludes with an analysis of their strengths and popularity.


Golang and Java both are the Programming language for software developers. But there are some quite accountable differences between Golang and In java itself. This blog post will eventually ride you through Golang’s advantages & disadvantages and Java’s advantages & disadvantages, it also unfolds the speed with its platform dependency in both the backend programming languages, which could be the best choice for developing a web among both the backend languages. You can always hire golang developer to get these things done for yourself.

Let’s do some more digging to get a clear understanding of golang and Java itself.

What is Golang?

Golang is useful for carrying out the programming for scalable servers. The Golang Programming language came into existence to fill out the gaps in languages of C++, java & python, etc. Go is an open-source programming language. Golang simultaneously increases dependability, efficiency, and overall simplicity as well.

What are the adverse advantages and Disadvantages of Golang?

There are so many advantages and disadvantages of using the Golang Programming language are mentioned below.

Advantages (Golang) Disadvantages (Golang)
Garbage Collector Go doesn’t have generics yet.
Neat Syntax Lack of functional support
No more exceptions Low jobs for Go developers
Modern In-build libraries  
A simple Concurrency  
A cool language  

What do you mean by Java?

Java is an object-oriented program language. It’s also called a high-level programming language. It’s very easy to use and understand by the developers.

Java is primarily and popularly used in consoles, Graphical user interfaces, and mobile and web applications. It is also being used in game development and to make systems more embedded.

Java is based on C and C++ and its methods are also different. Java language is robust and its syntax is also quite different.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the Java Programming language?

Using the Java Programming language can embark some advantages and some disadvantages. Some of them are mentioned below.

Advantages (java) Disadvantages (java)
1.Java is simple. 1. It’s quite slow as well.
2. It’s a secure language. 2. Poor Performance.
3. It’s very cheap to purchase & economical to maintain. 3. Poor GUI (Graphical user interface)
4. Java is a high-level programming language. 4. It has no backup facility.
5. Java is a platform independent. 5. Java requires to have a fat amount of space.
6. Java is portable. 6. Java unfolds a complex code itself.
7. Java provides an automatic garbage collection 7. A paid commercial license.
8. Java is stable.  
9. It supports multithreading.  
10. It has huge community support as well.  

What is the difference between Golang and Java?

Golang and Java are both the programming language but there are slight differences between these such language. These changes can only be detected by the developer who uses them accordingly.

Parameter of Differences Golang Java
Typology of the language Golang is the procedural & concurrent language. Java is an object-oriented programming language.
syntax Golang has comparatively a simple and more concise syntax. It has fewer punctuations and keywords init. Java’s syntax is comparatively rigid. It has more keywords and punctuation init.
concurrency Golang has an in-build feature of concurrency with goroutines & channels. Java has the concurrency feature of synchronized & blocks as well.
Garbage Collection Golang does have a garbage collection which doesn't stop the program from functioning. Java does have a garbage collection that pauses a program functioning to its free memory.
Type system Golang does have a static type system that supports the type interfaces. Java does have a static type system that does support the type interfaces.
Error handling Golang has a unique error-handling mechanism. This’ll help you to return values that can be easily cross-checked. Java has a try-catch and finally a mechanism for handling expectations.
Package management Golang has an inbuilt package management system which is also called as Go module. Java uses external package management system tools such as Marven & Grandle.
Performances Golnag is primarily known for its high-performance and low-processing capabilities. Java has relatively slow performances because they virtue machine architecture.
Community support Golang has a wide range of active and participatory audiences, which focuses on the overall functioning & performances. Java does have an audience who are mature & smart enough. They focus on enterprise development.
The use of cases The primary uses of these are web development, networking & programming as well. Java is more often used in web development, mobile development & android app development.

Why are companies migrating from Java to Golang?

There is an abundance of multinational companies that are migrating from Java to golang. That eventually unfolds many reasons which are mentioned below.

  • It’s a fact that Goland is being rapidly adapted to Java by many multinational companies.
  • Java is being used as a traditional method right after when Golang had leveled up their skills.
  • As Switching to Golang From java can enhance the speed and overall performance as well.
  • We can take the example of some startup companies, that initially try to work on backend languages such as Python and Ruby. This could also be called prototyping. They prefer to use them because of their simple syntax. As startups burn a big amount of money to get higher returns. Gradually these startups tend to face the problem of scaling these startup companies eventually switch to Java. they hire Java developers to get their functions run.

Hence, these are some reasons for companies switching from Java to golang.

What would you use for web development Golang Or Java?

Many developers prefer Golang over Java. Go has already an in-build support for web development and web application programming to be more specific. Golang is faster than Java in running these types of web application functions. 

On the other hand, java has better memory management which is more suitable for running applications such as financial systems, healthcare applications & e-commerce applications as well.


To conclude the whole blog post, we have witnessed how golang is different and advanced from Java programming language. However, both languages have their existence. The expectation is being set by 2023 that golang will set its own beyond and above. Golang and Java are both powerful, useful, and popular programming languages.



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